
Neighbor Let Her Dogs Run Onto Their Property, So His Father Had Them Taken Away For Neglect. Then Their Family Adopted Them And Put Them To Work Keeping The Neighbor At Bay.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge/pexels/Jackson Jorvan

Dogs and neighbors can be a tough combination, especially if the humans don’t agree on the best way to care for the animals in question.

And I don’t know a neighbor alive who loves having strange dogs use their lawn as a toilet.

In this situation, the poster saved his yard and possibly the neighbor’s dog’s lives in the process.

Check it out.

Tear down our fence? Okay, game on.

Back when I was younger, maybe 10-ish, we lived in the backwoods of Texas, along a sorta highway that connected our town to Commerce.

They had an annoying neighbor with lovely dogs.

We lived next to a very grumpy old woman who owned two very beautiful boxers.

She would let these big dogs out when I and my 5 year old brother were on the back porch, meaning my protective father brought us inside because the dogs often got through our fence and he wasn’t risking having us get hurt.

About 2 years before we leave said house, she gets her son to tear down a fence that was a foot onto our land because “Her yard isn’t big enough for her dogs.”

(She had apparently sold most of her acre of land to the neighbors on her other side) and that we were harassing her by keeping her dogs out of our yard where they liked to play.


They decided to get back at the neighbor!

Here’s the revenge.

My dad, who is known very well around town due to his job + being a great person all around, called animal control, specifically a buddy of his who worked in it.

They went to the old lady’s house, asked for her permit, because we were still technically in a county that forbade owning a boxer/pit/etc. without permission.

The plan worked!

She didn’t have any, so, Animal Control immediately took the good boys away.

Turns out they were also starving and sick.

Instead of putting them down, my dad struck a deal with the pound, let him pay for treatment (drops in the bucket tbh) and get a certification for our house to own them.

They got the dogs back!

Within a month those two doggos were back in our yard, with the biggest smiles, turns out once you feed a good dog they stop growling and looking at you like a 4-course meal.

They refused to go near her yard, they would even go full Guard Doggo when she stepped on our land.

So dad built a fence again, this time, wrought iron, with the spikes on top, and when her idiot son once again was told to remove them, he was promptly removed at dog-point from our property.

That’s sad…

Eventually gave the dogs to a family member in a different state cause we moved and couldn’t take then with, but we visited often.

Wish I could find photos but we had a house fire about 7 years ago and it pretty much wiped out all our old stuff.

That must have really chapped that neighbor’s rear end.

Let’s find out what the Reddit community thinks about this.

This user applauds this guy for saving the dogs.

This user loves boxers and is happy for the rescue.

This user thinks its weird that the dogs started scaring away their previous owner.

This user thinks the neighbor was insane for tearing the fence down.

This user has an important question for the guy.

This neighbor deserved the treatment!

We’re happy the dogs forgot about the bad owner.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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