No industry is free from micromanagement.
Workers deal with this in a variety of ways. Some don’t deal with it at all and quit. But not this person.
The nurse in this story used a strategy that involved taking the micromanager very literally.
Have a look at how it worked out.
Every decision of care has to be run by you? Ok
My mother was a nurse and worked in the same medical/surgical unit for almost 30 years.
Every year a new set of medical residents would come through.
They were mostly nice and eager to learn from everyone, including the nurses.
However there is always an outlier.
But it seemed business as usual at first.
One afternoon, one of the patients on the floor had an issue.
I am not sure what it was, but it had to do with some treatment that a resident ordered that was not agreeing with the patient.
No problem because this is not the first time this has happened in the history of this said treatment and there is a written protocol on how to make adjustments.
The seasoned nurses have seen this before and have made changes to this order hundreds of times.
The nurse in charge did the adjustment and all was well.
Then you-know-what hit the fan.
However, when the prescribing resident found out, she went batsh*t crazy, yelling at everyone about usurping her authority.
Then she said that any changes to care for her patients had to be approved by her first.
Ok, game on.
For the next week, this Resident was paged for Every! Single! Solitary! Thing!
Especially when the Resident went on nap break during 36-hour shifts.
This went on for two weeks because the Resident complained to everyone thinking that people would side with her.
When she saw that the senior doctors or her fellow Residents wouldn’t back her up, she gave up and let the nurses use their judgment.
Never mess with the nurses.
Here is what people are saying.
Weird, but accurate. Common sense is not too common.
I love a good teamwork story.
The resident has a lot to learn!
This makes a lot of sense. Imposter syndrome and other types of anxiety.
Another reason to love the show Scrubs! It makes me laugh.
Power to the nurses!
The doctor should have known better.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.