
Fussy Neighbor Fights To Defeat One Stench, Only To Beaten By A More Stink-Worthy Adversary

Source: Pexels/Tim Mossholder/Reddit

Some people think they know it all, but most of the time they really don’t.

They also tend to make their own bed.

See the stench this woman launched after targeting a farmer.

It’s still a rural area

I was reminded of this by the account of the pig farm in Slovenia.

In the early 2000s my wife and had a nice home built in a new development that used to be a strip of farmland.

The loss of farmland to housing is never a good thing, but it’s common in the US.

That isn’t the only disappointing thing in this story.

In Pennsylvania, farmers will often sell a portion of their land because costs are driving them out of business.

Anyway, enough economics lesson.

We’re in the countryside, the development is located along a small back road, there are scattered houses elsewhere but the entire township is still mostly farms.

Somehow, a proto-Karen raised a successful challenge to a nearby farmer’s cattle operations.

He lost because his facilities for manure management were old, out of compliance, etc.

Now, her chief complaint was the odor.

I’m here to tell you that nasty smells were nonexistent.

Yes, it smelled like a farm sometimes but that’s a natural, earthy smell.

Karen then bit off her nose to spite her face.

You know what isn’t a natural, earthy smell? Treated sewage sludge.

No longer able to use cow manure from his herd to fertilize his fields, the farmer began spreading treated sewage sludge on his land.

Now, the use of sludge is controversial but what is completely uncontestable is that it stinks to high heaven!

It’s bad. Very bad.

Once it dries, it’s not noticeable but for a day or three?


Proto-Karen, naturally, went to the authorities and tried everything to get him to stop.

His only response, by all accounts, was that he wouldn’t have to use the sludge if he still had his cattle operation.

Check, and mate.

Here is what people are saying.

What are they supposed to do? Stop flying?

I hope you had Gravol handy.

And incur her wrath even more? No thank you.

Maybe it was for the best.


I bet you learn to block it out.

I’m nauseous.

It seems there is always a worse smell around the bend.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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