The work environment plays a big role in measuring employees’ happiness and loyalty to the company they work for.
If one of the high-ranking executives in an organization isn’t a good fit for the overall work culture, employees would quit one by one.
This man, for instance, admitted that he quit because the new VP was affecting the company culture.
And as a way to get back, he thought of a petty yet clever idea to let the owners know what was really happening.
Read the full story below to find out.
How a Petty Glassdoor Review Got a Toxic VP Fired and Saved a Company
I used to work at a small family-owned business in sales.
The owners were distant, and only cared about money.
But overall, it was a good place to work, and I enjoyed my time there.
Meet the new VP of Sales…
However, after two years, they hired a new VP of Sales who completely ruined the work environment.
I won’t get into the details, but he was a nightmare and made many people’s lives miserable.
After six months, I and two other well-respected employees quit within a few weeks of each other.
During my exit interview, I was very honest with the owner about how the new VP was affecting the company culture.
But he didn’t take it seriously.
It was clear he was firmly backing the VP.
The former employee thought of a way to get back at the toxic VP.
A few weeks later, while waiting at a doctor’s appointment, I came up with a petty yet clever idea to take a shot at the VP.
I left an anonymous Glassdoor review for that job.
Posing as a current employee who was looking to jump ship to a competitor due to the awful new VP.
I also wrote that everyone in the company had “one foot out the door” and was looking for new jobs.
I knew this would freak out the owners, and it did.
The review reached the owners, and they started acting on the issue at hand.
The next day, I found out from old colleagues that the VP was working from home (which was weird at the time).
And the owners privately met with every single employee to gauge their happiness and opinions on the VP.
People were honest, and the VP never stepped foot in the office again.
I later heard from employees that the work environment improved dramatically.
And the owners promoted a solid internal candidate to replace him.
He found it funny yet satisfying that his review made a huge impact on the company.
The company has since grown a lot.
I never told a soul what I did.
I’m taking too much credit for it, but it’s funny how my petty, shady review turned out to have such a big impact.
Not just on getting rid of an awful boss, but on improving the company in the long run.
Let’s find out what others have to say about this.
Here’s a similar experience from this user.
This person shares their personal thoughts.
Short but sensible.
Leadership and culture are important, says this one.
Finally, this one is impressed.
The best revenge is the one that leads to great outcome.
For everyone involved, in this case.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.