
A Company Harassed A Customer With Endless Calls, So They Turned Their Own Tactics Against Them Until They Stopped

Source: Getty/HRAUN, Reddit/PettyRevenge

There’s a fine line between marketing and harassment, and this home security company stomped all over it.

However, one frustrated recipient didn’t just block the unwanted calls — they made sure the whole company got a taste of their own medicine.

Read on for the full story!

Aggressive callcentre got a taste of their own medicine

I enrolled in an Instagram contest, giving my details in order to win a home security system.

This was a bit dumb on my part, but the way their salespeople approached me was uncalled for.

Little did they know, they found themselves the target of an aggressive telemarketing scheme.

For weeks, I got called every hour, and when I picked up, they hung up.

I blocked the number, and they started dialing me with another number.

At some point, I finally got someone on the line.

I asked them politely to please stop calling me and to remove my number.

They didn’t.

From previous experience, this customer knew just how these types of operations worked.

I used to work in B2B sales and even in a B2C call center, so I’m generally open to talking to salespeople.

However, this dialer was set very aggressively.

For those of you who don’t know how call center dialers work: a system calls you first and, when you pick up, checks if an agent is available.

If no agent is available, they hang up.

This is to keep agents busy as much as possible, at the expense of the people on the list.

So the customer decided it was time to turn the tables.

Because I got sick of their aggressive dialer method and they didn’t remove my number, I wanted revenge.

I looked up all the phone numbers of employees I could find — I’m quite good at this — and created my own list.

This list held some pretty impressive names.

In this list, I had the CEO, CFO, COO, VP of Sales, VP of Marketing, and all the people I could find in my country on LinkedIn.

I didn’t discriminate. Interns, HR, Legal — everyone with a LinkedIn profile got added to my list.

So then comes the good part.

In comes my petty revenge.

I opened a clean VM, used a VPN, created a fake Instagram profile, and subscribed everyone in the 50-person list to the same Instagram contest. 😁

And now to sit back and watch.

Just imagine some sales agent calling and hanging up on the CEO of a global home security company multiple times for days, only to be confronted with an annoyed boss of their boss’s boss trying to pitch their services.

Not to mention all the other employees I added.

But a revenge this good couldn’t last.

They probably don’t know it was me, and after a couple of weeks, I learned you can block a range of phone numbers, after which the calls stopped.

It’s too bad I couldn’t witness the calls myself, but I can imagine at some point they got calls from employees who were sick of it and had to create a blacklist.

Looks like these aggressive salespeople dialed the wrong number.

What did Reddit have to say?

Why not take revenge a step further and wreck total havoc on their entire phone system?

This story was entertaining and educational for this user.

This commenter is eager to learn a thing or two as well!

Persistence pays off in sales — that is, unless your target has a sharper strategy.

Never underestimate a savvy customer.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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