Minimum wage employees are often subject to iffy management.
It’s part of the job, though it really shouldn’t be.
Luckily, some people – like this Redditor – know just what to do about it.
Read more about how their supervisors’ delayed security checks that would take from their break time.
Employee bag checks suck
Sorry if this is badly written. I’m on mobile, and I’m a bit baked, and my fiance just told me this story belongs on here.
About 8-10 years ago, I worked for a major chain drug store.
Employees couldn’t leave the store without a manager or supervisor digging through their bags first, and they often made you turn your pockets out if possible.
And these checks were SLOW, to say the least.
It annoyed me because they’d take 10 minutes to get to you, and they would only let you take the last five minutes of your 15 minute break.
Sooo, I decided to **** with them a couple times.
That’s when this employee got creative.
Once, I specifically purchased the normal stuff I carry in my purse all from my store.
I wrapped everything in receipts.
Like you couldn’t even see what anything actually was because this is that store that gives you 3 feet of coupons on every receipt.
And I used packing tape so none of it was useful.
The eye roll was worth it, and they wanted to write me up, but technically I had followed policy so they couldn’t.
But then, the employee put their money where their mouth was.
Another time, I specifically purchased all competitor store brand products, nothing that could possibly be purchased at our store, all house brands from other companies.
They were very annoyed and for the most part after that, they only glanced in my bag without touching anything anymore.
And finally, the employee literally used their purse as a trash can.
Honorable mention was when I worked Christmas day with a fever of 103°F, and they refused to send me home, so when they check my bag on that break, it was filled with used tissues.
They did let me go home about 30 minutes early after that one.
Does Reddit applaud this creativity?
Let’s read the comments below to find out more.
One Redditor suggested a book…
Another reader questioned when the managements’ bags were checked.
And another user suggested this was an illegal situation entirely.
These jobs need to pay their employees more for all these hoops they put them through — end of story.
Why can’t everyone learn this?
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.