
A Neighbor’s Dog Kept Barking Relentlessly, So A Dog Walker Set A Muddy Trap For The Pooch To Send A Message To The Owner

Source: Getty/Kamil Suchta, Reddit/PettyRevenge

Walking a dog can be a simple task, but for this owner, it became a harrowing test of patience.

Despite the walker’s best efforts to be friendly, one neighbor’s dog refuses to stop barking incessantly whenever they walked past the fence.

So on one particularly muddy day, this fed-up owner made sure this dog brought back a dirty message for its careless owner.

Read on for the full story!

Let your dog bark at me, get mud trampled into your house

I walk my dog twice a day. There is a narrow laneway between my house and the park.

Unfortunately, there is a big dog whose yard is on the laneway, and he always runs up and down the fence barking at us.

The walker isn’t too pleased with the barking dog’s owner’s lackluster attempts at training.

While I have trained my dog to ignore the barking dog, it is still very annoying.

The owner makes a feeble attempt to stop it barking but is largely unsuccessful.

I tried making friends with the other dog by giving it treats, but it still barks at my dog and runs up and down the fence.

But soon, a seed for petty revenge was planted.

Having spoken with the owner, I know that this dog carries a lot of dirt and dust into their house on its long coat.

These days, I mostly avoid walking down the laneway, instead taking the long way around on the road to the park.

Then came the perfect opportunity to enact said revenge.

Except when it has been raining.

On those days, I purposefully walk my dog down the laneway.

The barking dog has worn a dirt path around the fence line, which turns to mud when it has been raining.

I can only imagine the mud that it carries back into the owner’s house after barking at my dog.

Maybe all that mud will be a little harder for the owner to ignore.

What did Reddit think?

Maybe some dog breeds are just more predisposed to barking.

This commenter is on the barking dog’s side.

This commenter thinks the walker did their due diligence before resorting to messier tactics.

A little dirt was the perfect way to leave a lasting impression.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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