
Man Joked About His Cousins Getting Divorced, And Now His Uncle and Aunt Are Upset With Him

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

Sometimes, jokes can go a little too far.

This man didn’t make it to the weddings of his two cousins.

He joked that he would just attend their next wedding if they got divorced.

His uncle didn’t like the joke.

Read more about this story here.

AITA for telling my uncle I’d attend my cousins’ second weddings if they got divorced?

I have two older cousins.

One got married when I was in high school.

The other got married when I was in college in a different country.

(That’s 17-hour-long flights to that country from where I live). I would have to take 1-2 weeks off school to attend.

This young man didn’t want to skip school to go to the weddings.

I didn’t want to fall behind and have my grades suffer. Good grades are important for getting into a good college and graduate school.

My cousins also couldn’t have their wedding during a holiday break. They can’t do it on Thanksgiving or Christmas.

So I ended up skipping both my cousins’ weddings.

His uncle was disappointed that he didn’t make it to any of the two weddings.

I finally had the chance to meet my aunt and uncle (my cousins’ parents).

They were visiting.

My uncle said he was disappointed and upset because I couldn’t even take one week off school to attend his daughters’ weddings.

He responded in a joking manner.

I jokingly responded that if my cousins ever got divorced, I’d gladly attend their second wedding.

I’ve now graduated, and I’m working for a company that offers paid vacation days.

I could use those vacation days to attend a major family event like a wedding.

The uncle got more upset.

My uncle seemed even more upset when I said that.

I tried to console him, and told him it was a joke. And I said I hoped for nothing but the best for my cousins and their spouses.

Did I cross a line with my statement?


That is kind of rude, especially since it didn’t really come off as a joke.

Let’s read the reactions of other users on Reddit to this story.

This person shares their honest opinion.

It was offensive, says this person.

Here’s a similar comment.

Short and straightforward.

And lastly, here’s a valid point from this person.

There’s a fine line between joking and being rude.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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