Losing a parent is incredibly sad, but inheritance drama can turn sorrow into anger and frustration.
In today’s story, a woman inherits her mother’s house.
It seems like she is actually able to escape any inheritance drama, but then 8 years later, she finds out her late mother’s boyfriend is lying about the house she inherited.
Let’s see how the story plays out.
AITA for kicking out my mom’s boyfriend?
When I was 17 my mom came into money.
She tried to keep it quiet but she paid off my dad’s debts, bought him a small house, paid off her debts and paid for my sister’s college and set up funds for mine.
She had a boyfriend at the time and shortly after him and his son who was 7 moved into our new house.
Over the next few years mom bought my sister a house after she graduated college.
Her boyfriend lived with us and didn’t pay anything but he did work.
This is really sad.
When I was 21 mom got diagnosed with cancer.
It wasn’t good.
She sat me and my sister down and went over exactly how much money there was.
She intended to give her current house to me and both me and my sister were left with a large sum at the end of it.
Her mother had a request.
She asked if I would allow her boyfriend to stay in the house with his son until he got his own place.
I agreed.
Before she passed she told her boyfriend he would need to look for his own place but had time to save more for that journey.
The mom’s boyfriend still lives there.
For the last 4 years he has continued to reside in the house with his son.
I haven’t minded because we get along okay.
I pay all the bills but he does buy food for him and his kid.
He has dated off and on and mostly kept the women out of this house which I respected him for.
The new partner makes her feel uncomfortable.
Until his current partner.
She’s been in my house 3 times and at first besides feeling a little uncomfortable I was okay with her.
The last time this past weekend was the point where I lost my cool.
Oh no she didn’t!
I was making myself some lunch when she came walking downstairs.
She grabbed a plate and went to grab food out of my pan.
I asked her what she thought was doing.
She started telling me how I should look for somewhere else to live and leeching off my mom’s past relationship as an adult was pathetic.
Sounds like the boyfriend lied to his new girlfriend.
I hollered for my mom’s old boyfriend.
He came down and I told him I didn’t know what his current thing thought but I wasn’t going to be disrespected in my house.
He wouldn’t even look me in the eyes as he mumbled something about my mom promising him the house and he was just “being kind” letting me stay.
The boyfriend clearly knows the house isn’t his.
First that isn’t remotely true.
Mom pulled him and i together after she asked if he could stay to set expectations.
My mom met him shortly before she won the money and told him and us girls that she had no intention of leaving him money.
She did set aside a fund for his son for college when he gets there but he cannot touch it, only his son can.
She kicked him out.
He has lived in this house almost 8 years without paying a dime.
He should have plenty of money and if he doesn’t that’s on him.
I told him he had 30 days to leave.
I wasn’t going to house someone who would lie and disrespect me in my house.
She isn’t sure if she made the right decision or not.
He left that night with his son but his ex wife called to tell me I am cruel and an AH for her son losing his house (he is here every other week).
I really feel like my mom didn’t expect him to still be here.
My sister said she feels like I am breaking my promise to my mom and that made me feel like maybe I am the AH.
The boyfriend clearly lied about the situation and let his girlfriend believe that the house was his.
He sounds like a loser. I feel bad for his son.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
Her mom expected the boyfriend to move out eventually.
He lied to his girlfriend.
This reader gives 3 reasons why she didn’t do anything wrong.
The boyfriend is the one not respecting her mom’s wishes.
He should’ve moved out a long time ago.
The lie to the new girlfriend was one step too far.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.