When they say karma will get back at you, they aren’t lying!
This woman got fired from her job because of a clueless new admin, and now her workplace is going downhill fast.
Check out the full story!
Job that laid me off is going downhill
I am a teacher and worked at a private independent school that was ran by admin who treated our school more like a business rather than a school.
It was a fairly new school still finding its bearings and didn’t have much “fun” stuff for the students, so I took it upon myself to work extra hours on top of my normal teaching hours to make events happen for the students.
I’m talking school fairs, spirit days, Friday and after-school events, all because I have a passion for it and I loved my students.
Everyone loved her!
All of the families and staff became quickly acquainted with me bc I would have staff and family volunteers and I have a really bubbly/outgoing personality.
I got along with mostly everyone… until the new admin came along -dun dun DUNNNN-
A new admin was not as fond of me.
This is where things got bad!
We got into a few tiffs as they tried to understand the inner workings of what I did for the school and students the past few years, and even had the audacity to say to me, “yeah, I don’t even know what you do here”.
Like it was difficult to ask a fellow admin or staff, or even me for that matter.
I was very patient and empathetic at first but then the jabs became more and more lethal each time, and I could feel like I was going to get something pinned on me, so I began regularly meeting with HR.
I would detail our interactions when they became inappropriate, and even HR was helping me find ways to word things to be more professional, or would straight up intervene and let that admin know they were making a mistake.
She lost her job!
Lo and behold, our school decides that they wanted to have layoffs in the middle of the school year (like we’re a big pharma company or something), and little old me gets a brief “we need to meet with you today at [time]” email.
I, along with a few others, got laid off for “budgeting” reasons.
Our school was trying to expand faster than we could keep up with, so I wonder if they thought firing staff would somehow makeup ALL of the money they needed.
HR wasn’t any help.
Heading into the meeting, I passed by HR asking if they could be present.
As I got the news, I looked at HR and asked if there was anything that could be done.
Alas, we are an at-will company, so nothing could be done.
They thought she was threatening them.
At the end of getting laid off, I let both of the admin know that letting me go was a huge mistake and that they were going to feel the repercussions of their actions.
They looked at me and said, “is that a threat?”, to which I let them know it wasn’t, but that it was the truth because of how much I do for the school.
It got worse at the school.
So many staff reached out to me, and them along with families are still confused as to why I, of all people, got fired.
Well, after I got laid off and started living my best life (–in perfect timing I got horribly sick lmao), I got word from staff that their job site reviews had been plummeting, students and families held town hall and board meetings to go off on admin for the poor decision of laying off staff in the middle of the year.
The admins that let us go were getting chewed out by families every week and apparently the board tried to let them go, but they refused to step down!
They made things even worse!
They started burning more bridges by going off on other admins that do so much on-the-ground work, started threatening current staff, and went out of their way to send an email to a staff they let go for posting a poor review on their website.
Towards the end of the year, they tried denying new firings by saying those folks asked to leave, and then more staff (including some admin) got fired or left before the year was over.
Finally the sweet karma!
Then as a cherry on top, they let go even more staff on the last day of school.
A lot of staff said they were coming back when asked mid-year, but now a lot of them are not so sure they’re coming back when summer is up.
I think the staff diminished a good 20-30% (it was a small school to begin with).
So many people that I’ve spoken to that don’t even work there have been hearing all of the drama, and the school has become something of local educator entertainment.
If I wasn’t reveling at their steaming pile of a hot mess, I’d be cringing from secondhand embarrassment. Oh well.
GEEZ! The school admin clearly didn’t see that coming!
It’s too bad her hard work wasn’t appreciated by the admin.
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one.
This user is wondering if the admin learned their lesson.
This user shares stories of time working at a daycare.
That’s right! This user knows that private schools are all about making money!
This user thinks this story is amazing!
Exactly! This user knows this story is an amazing flex.
The admin made a horrible decision.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.