Bullying is a real problem in many schools, and the victims of it can often feel so helpless because nobody seems to be on their side.
What would you do if you were bullied by a girl for several years in high school?
That is what happened to the young man in this story, so he plotted some severe revenge that landed her in jail.
Check it out.
Teases a sleeping lion, lands in jail
I am a geek and punk hybrid, sort of.
In my country, India, there are 12 grades in school, along with 2 or 3 pre primary grades.
My parents had transferrable jobs, so I ended up changing schools a lot.
And since private schools won’t take new admissions during mid term, I ended up qualifying entrance for central school.
I studied there up to grade 8, then decided to go for a boarding school.
Good for him!
This school was supposed to be in top 5 schools of India at that time.
Now the story begins after I cleared the written test of the school in morning and was supposed to give interview in evening.
There my family acquainted with another from same home town.
Their daughter, let’s call her Lora, the main antagonist, was behaving like the know it all brat.
And since my family had the bad habit of comparing me with other kids, coupled with the pressure of interview, made me go bananas in head.
Well Lora went to give interview first and came out upset, stating she answered only 9 of 10 questions correctly.
Well I answered 5 of them and still got selected (it was more of personality test, knowledge was tested in written part).
His family is not very supportive.
But I had to endure all my family commentary about how “it was just luck” or “you won’t survive, the school is full of girls like Lora” till school term started and I started living in hostel.
Now being the ex student of bad government schools, I started suffering mainly because the school was strictly English speaking and my spoken English skill were disaster.
I remember, when my teacher asked me why I haven’t done my homework, I answered “ma’am I was absent tomorrow”.
Also this was my first time away from home, so I got homesick too often.
Add to it the stress of weekly tests and disgusting (compared to home) hostel food, well I was experiencing hell.
So, within 3 months, people’s perception for me was that was was dumb, shy and that I lacked common sense.
Only my hostel mates knew my true nature.
So I was already stressed and this girl Lora thinks it’s funny to gang up on me and bully me!
Surprising, but it actually happened.
Every time I was alone, she would mock me, told me I was ugly, fat and dumb.
I, knowing what would happen if my temper goes off, kept mum.
She then raised her bars higher and started using f-words and much more indecent words, all in English.
I wasn’t bothered by it at all in the beginning, I had heard worse from my last school friends.
I was just curious why is she targeting me.
Turns out she was mad at me for not helping her cheat in written exam, thereby jeopardizing her chances.
Now that she was finally in and I was an established dumb she could have her way with me.
For the whole grade 9 I endured her stuff than I began to crack.
But fate was against me: she became the girlfriend of my best friend and roommate, let’s call him Ed.
Honoring bro code, I had to abort the mission and honoring bro code he told me the bottom of iceberg.
Why is she targeting this kid so much?
She spread amongst other girls that I was terminated from my previous school for failing ( I scored 93% in previous grade), my father bribed the school to get me admitted (he had to take loan to pay my term fees), that I smoked ( never smoked in my life, not even now), and that I used to beat up the kids who messed up with me (only right answer).
These claims made her a Joan of arc like figure, a lady challenging a demon like me.
Well I endured her insults (covering every part of my body and everyone in my family) for another year.
In grade 10 we had our board exams, the first most important exam of an Indian student.
There she broke up with Ed, stating he wasn’t giving her enough time (he ended up scoring 98.4% with perfect 100 in 3 out of 5 subjects).
Well that’s one ally for me (as if he wasn’t earlier).
Next she hooked up with Rob, my classmate in grade 11.
In that time I started using Facebook, new trend at that time.
This Rob guy was member of thug like group of the school, hence Lora was intoxicated with power.
She commented insults on my every photo on facebook and Rob would like it.
I wanted to get back at her, so I commented a passive aggressive thing on her picture (Never knew that I could’ve blocked her).
She, along with Rob came to threaten me when I was having a snack.
But since I was surrounded by my hostel mates, they went away.
They later ended up stealing my assignment (childish, yeah) but since I never did them earlier, it wasn’t a bother.
God, now that I am writing it, it really feels amazing how long I held back.
But no more, at least not after THAT incident.
You see, I was pretty unpopular with existing girls, but I befriended this new girl, let’s call her Love.
I kinda liked her, I admit.
Kids can be so mean.
But that Lora somehow sensed that and started bad mouthing me infront of Love.
I literally snapped. I wanted some high level revenge.
First I gathered intelligence, Ed being first and after recent breakup, Rob.
Summery being: she had new boyfriend every year since grade 7 (basically since her puberty began) and lost it in grade 11 to some other punk from school (cause of breakup with Rob?).
Well, it wasn’t something that would give me pleasure after exposing her. I had to take the other way.
I already mentioned my school was too good.
In the annual day function of school the guests were generally some VIPs.
In my grade 12, the chief guest was the governor of the state!
And that was the time Lora celebrated her 18th birthday.
My preparations: I bought a mosquito coil, saved a huge firecracker from Diwali and for almost ₹2000, I obtained 50g pack of weed, called raw mango in my area.
I spied Lora till I came to know she was gonna do something in girl’s room with her new bae on annual day, since everyone would be busy with functions.
I then experimented with mosquito coil’s burn times and I can proudly say that 3 inches of coil burns for half an hour.
Finalizing: On the annual day, I handed weed pack to Ed and setup 12 inches of coil, coupled with the firecracker inside the girl’s room, two hours before their meeting.
Ed put the weed pack in her school bag just when she left the class for auditorium.
And then, while our governor was giving speech, there was a blast heard, prefects ran to the source, found Lora smooching her new bae.
She tried to dismiss her hands in blast, so prefects insisted on checking her schoolbag.
She agreed, confidently, too confidently.
By now, even the guards of the governor came to investigate.
Principal and teacher came too, maybe trying to show themselves active.
And in front of everyone, a 12 grade schoolgirl was caught with the illegal “raw mango” in her possession!
Wow, this got serious fast.
This wasn’t a case school could’ve hidden, so she was arrested.
Her 92.4% in board exams didn’t matter!
Her expected all India rank of 15 in mock engineering entrance tests!
It was 9 years ago.
I went on to a good engineering college and landed a great job.
Never heard of her again.
Maybe she is released, I don’t know.
All I know, that the face she made when the prefects took out weed from her bag was priceless!
That is some pretty hardcore revenge, I’m not sure if it was all warranted.
Let’s see what the people in the comments think about it.
Here is someone who wants to take it even further.
This person loved the firecrackers.
Good friends are invaluable.
I thought the same thing.
It really was over the top.
This revenge might have gone too far.
If it makes Reddit cringe, it might be time to rethink.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.