Tag: drugs

May 29, 2024 at 11:33 am

His Father Is In Jail And His Mom And Sister Refuse To Work, So He Finally Cuts Them Off Financially

Source: Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto

Some people will just keep taking advantage of you until you force them to stop.

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April 28, 2024 at 11:20 am

School Nurse Refuses To Give Student The Migraine Medication They Need, So They Use Their Stepdad’s Radio Show To Get The School’s Policy Changed

School Nurse Refuses To Give Student The Migraine Medication They Need, So They Use Their Stepdad's Radio Show To Get The School's Policy Changed

What is everyone’s issue with getting people the meds they need to live?

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January 3, 2024 at 3:24 pm

Terrible Neighbors Create Havoc In The Community, So They Fight Back And Get Them Evicted And Sent To Jail

Terrible Neighbors Create Havoc In The Community, So They Fight Back And Get Them Evicted And Sent To Jail

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

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November 4, 2023 at 1:37 am

The Controversial Overdose Hotline That Experts Say Is Keeping People Alive While Others Says Is Enabling Addiction

The Controversial Overdose Hotline That Experts Say Is Keeping People Alive While Others Says Is Enabling Addiction

If someone is experiencing a drug overdose or is trying to help someone who they fear is overdosing on drugs, the last thing they need is someone being condescending or judgmental by way of “helping.” Which is why experts believe this hotline is not only saving lives, but is enabling people to go forward a…

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May 26, 2023 at 12:33 pm

Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Mom Their Old Medication

Person Asks if They’re Wrong for Not Giving Their Mom Their Old Medication

It’s a bad idea to pressure someone

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April 22, 2023 at 7:56 pm

Nurse Tells Her Story About Taking Ozempic to Lose The Weight She Gained During The Global Epidemic

Nurse Tells Her Story About Taking Ozempic to Lose The Weight She Gained During The Global Epidemic

While the rest of the world stayed inside, missing work and time with family and friends, nurse Meredith Schorr spent the COVID-19 pandemic helping patients in the intensive care unit at Banner University Medical Center. The stress, long hours, bad food, and PTSD medicines resulted in a 50 pounds weight gain for the 25-year old…

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