
His Parents Kept Complaining He Saved Too Much Money, So He Started Spending Just To Prove A Point

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/Pexels/

There’s nothing worse than when you work hard for your money, and then someone else tries to tell you how to spend it.

What would you do if your family insisted you were saving too much and pressured you to hand over more of your paycheck?

Would you go along with them so they’ll leave you alone?

Or would you find ways to spend your own money?

In the following story, one man finds himself in this very predicament and decides to turn it around on his parents.

Here’s what he did.

My Parents Want to Spend My Money because I don’t.

I’m 19 and took a gap year before going to university.

I’m working during the meantime.

My family is working class, and my parents spend frugally.

I earn around £2000 (~$2500) after taxes a month and give my parents £400 (~$500) a month to help with bills.

They don’t like the idea of a 19-year-old having that much money at my age despite the fact I’m well-behaved, haven’t done and refuse to do any sort of drugs or drink any alcohol in my life.

Here’s where he showed them.

Im not materialistic so I never really buy anything except maybe a meal out once every 3 days thus $8500 in savings.

My parents dont like that Im just saving my money up which is stupid to think, and that I should just give it to them to help with there needs.

Well, they keep on pestering me about being “Tight with my Money,” so this week alone, I’ve decided to buy a ticket to Lomachenko vs. Luke Campbell ($130), go airsofting with my mates($60), watch a movie by myself, go to an all-you-can-eat buffet (~$30), and why not book some flight tickets to SWITZERLAND just me alone!!

Hope they get the message.

Wow! That’s one way to take charge of the situation.

Let’s see what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about all of this.

This is some pretty good advice.

Here’s someone who doesn’t like these situations.

Maybe they know this and don’t want him to.

A little off-topic, but good point.

He should do what he wants.

His parents should be proud of him and encourage his savings, so they are definitely wrong in this situation.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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