An important job in many companies is quality control where part of their responsibilities is to advise management of potential issues.
What would you do if you were telling a new manager about how you think things should work and she got upset with you for trying to control her?
That is what happened to the quality control professional in this story, so after being told to report everything she did to the manager, she complied and kept her constantly updated through the radio and team chat.
Check it out.
Manager wants to handle everything themselves
Some back ground info:
I work for a large company in a factory setting.
I essentially have 3 managers.
My boss is the manager for product quality.
The 2 above her run the whole factory split between them.
Boss= my boss
Manager=the only factory manager we have for now.
This all starts about two weeks ago.
We lost one of our managers because he got promoted.
Hopefully they will replace the other manager soon.
So now we only have ‘manager’ to do the work of 2 people.
The initial days were good.
She was still learning from the supervisors below her on how to run the new half of the building.
She had never dealt with ANYTHING when her partner was here.
She liked to have a firm grasp of the processes and find ways to drive more productivity for less labor (not in the bad way… usually)
Cue the issue.
This is not nearly enough time to learn how things work.
She spent 2 days, half our work week, learning before she decided that she knew it all and could run everything from wherever she was in the building.
This turned into blaming ME and my team for the short comings of her associates.
Just because the quality team has final say on a lot of things does not make us more powerful than her.
She has the ability to ignore us and make her own calls.
This ability is one she started to over use and I nearly couldn’t take it any more.
After 3 verbal conflicts between Manager blaming me for things that I have 0 control over she goes to boss to have me reprimanded.
What ever rand or Deflation of stress and anger manager gave to boss made no sense to her so she came to get my side and put together a full picture.
After reading my 2 weeks of notes about the manager disregarding the information I was trying to give her and talking down to me like I was a child (I’m 2 feet taller than her).
I explained that it is not my place to contradict her but it IS my job to dive into problems and find solutions to give the manager.
My boss agrees that I have been doing everything 100% correctly after examining both testimonies and all the open communications in out Factory communication boards.
After my boss tells manager that I’m genuinely trying to aid her judgment and find ways to solve her problems she takes a deeper dive in the “hating me” department.
Ok, she wants to know everything.
Right after the talk from my boss the manager calls me out over the factory radio 3 times within an hour about communication EVERYTHING I DO to her 100% of the time…
Cue Malicious Compliance…
In the last 6 hrs of my 12hr shift I begin adding all information regarding my work and my employees work to our group chat so everyone can have 100% visibility on what I’m doing and how she responds.
This is exactly what she asked for.
Every 5-10min for 3 hrs I did this, post in the group chat, verbally call out over the radio with the same information, ask if she wanted me to do anything else.
After the 3 hr mark she called me on the radio and said “that’s enough” and freed me from the act of telling her everything I was doing.
Manager has not spoken to me since.
About to go in for day 2.
Wish me luck!
Why do so many bosses think that input from employees is a bad thing?
Read on to see what the people in the comments think about this story.
It was a great story.
Bosses like this are terrible.
This person reminds them to document everything.
Here is a good suggestion.
Yes, the next level boss was very helpful.
I’m only doing what you asked boss.
Sounds like it might be time to move on.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.