
Woman’s Male Coworker Told Her That He Prefers Women Without Makeup, So She Went All Out The Next Day Just For Him

close up of made up female eye


Everyone has to deal with people who lack common sense sooner or later.

In this woman’s case, she had to listen to her coworker give her his opinion on her own face unprompted.

So naturally she put him back in his place by doing the opposite of what he wanted.

Let’s see what happened.

You think women look better without makeup? Great, don’t look at me!

A coworker of mine (M, 30s) who I’ve (F, 20s) spoken to a handful of times in my 3.5 years at this job and have only had pleasant but short interactions with decided to get bold one night.

I was doing my closing duties and was wearing a full face of makeup with some sparkly eyeshadow.

If I come in for a late/closing shift where I can sleep in and do makeup I like to do something a little fun and extra.

Sounds fabulous. But lo and behold, he had a problem with it.

My guy had the audacity and gall to come up to me while I’m clearly busy…

“I just have to tell you something…”


“I think women look better without makeup.”

“It’s just too much… Did you do dance or something when you were younger? A natural face is better.”

He says while wrinkling his nose with a stank face while looking me right in my dolled up eyes.

Well, she decided to make the best out of the situation.

Excuse me?

Well, now that I know the makeup I like to do is a creep repellant…

I’ll happily go out of my way to wake up early and wear a full face of makeup everyday for weeks.

It was honestly a boost of motivation to wake up early and have an extra healthy breakfast too.

He got the message.

So now he says hi, I nod and walk away.

I’m your coworker, not some doll for you to ogle at.

He also knew I have a long term boyfriend who also works in the same place we do. Ick, ick, ICK!

It’s also her face and she can even tattoo it if she wants.

Let’s see what Reddit has to comment on this.

A reader shares her experience.


Someone shares a similarly appalling experience.


Another reader chimes in.

That’s a possibility.

The audacity!

She managed to put him back in his place without validating his comments.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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