
Missouri Pastor Stops an Armed Robbery During Church by Praying for the Suspects

As the saying goes, “the Lord works in mysterious ways…”.

And a pastor in Ferguson, Missouri named Marquaello Futrell used his higher calling and his powers of persuasion to thwart a potential robbery during a service in his church.

Photo Credit: Facebook

Pastor Futrell was in the middle of a service on February 12, 2023, when four masked men entered the All Creation Northview Holiness Family Church. Futrell is a former police officer and he immediately sensed something wasn’t right, so he used his instincts to try to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand.

Take a look at the video below where Futrell talked about the incident.

Futrell said he believed the four men “felt the power of God” before they left his church and he added, “Many of the congregants were just thankful that I was able to navigate them through that process with the help of the Holy Spirit — the Holy Ghost.”

Here’s a news report about the incredible story.

Take a look!

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