Tag: religion

July 11, 2024 at 8:49 am

Annoying Mormon Neighbor Wanted Him To Clean His Dog’s Poop Right Away, So He Followed Orders And Did His Duty In His Underwear

Source: Reddit/ malicious compliance/pexels/Eduraw Pro

Sorry, but all I could do is laugh at this one.

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July 3, 2024 at 7:23 am

Senior Pastor Needlessly Blocked Them From Scheduling A Final Sermon To Become A Pastor, So They Devised A Plan To Make Sure They Got What They Needed

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/Corey Young/Unsplash

Clearly there are bad bosses in every line of work.

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June 26, 2024 at 5:34 am

Annoying Jehovah’s Witnesses Wouldn’t Leave Her Family Alone, So She Ended Up Preaching Them Her Own Beliefs And They Never Showed Up Again

Source: Reddit/Petty revenge/pexels/ Jonathan Cooper

They really are a pain!

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June 19, 2024 at 9:40 am

Here’s Why So Many Ancient Statues Are Missing Their Noses

Source: Shutterstock

Nothing is new under the sun.

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June 15, 2024 at 2:33 pm

His Mom Passes And He’s Sent To Live With His Very Religious Dad. Now He’s Trying To Convert Him, But He Says They Need To Stop.

His Mom Passes And He's Sent To Live With His Very Religious Dad. Now He's Trying To Convert Him, But He Says They Need To Stop.

This isn’t very Christian of them.

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June 9, 2024 at 8:33 am

After His Roommate Pulled A Prank On Him, He Found The Perfect Way To Get Back At Him With The Help Of Prayer

Source: Reddit/pettyrevenge/Pexels/RDNEStockproject

Seems like everyone got a good laugh out of this one!

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April 8, 2024 at 5:36 am

Her Husband’s Religious Parents Set Strict Rules And Expect Her To Go To Church, So She Pushes Back Hard And Now Things Are Tense

Her Husband's Religious Parents Set Strict Rules And Expect Her To Go To Church, So She Pushes Back Hard And Now Things Are Tense

Why would anybody try to do this?!

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April 6, 2024 at 3:28 am

A Man Told Her That Her Weightlifting Wasn’t Appropriate According to the Bible. She Responded By Letting Everyone Know About His Creepy Past.

A Man Told Her That Her Weightlifting Wasn’t Appropriate According to the Bible. She Responded By Letting Everyone Know About His Creepy Past.

This guy needed a serious wake-up call…

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March 14, 2024 at 3:17 am

His Pastor Preaches Generosity But Wouldn’t Pay Him For A $60 Repair Bill. So He Dug Up Some Crazy Dirt On Him And Made Sure Everyone At Church Found Out.

His Pastor Preaches Generosity But Wouldn't Pay Him For A $60 Repair Bill. So He Dug Up Some Crazy Dirt On Him And Made Sure Everyone At Church Found Out.

Well, well, well… if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions!

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March 4, 2024 at 7:33 pm

Former Girlfriend’s New Husband Thought They Were In Some Kind Of Competition, So He Signed Them Up To Become Jehovah’s Witnesses And Had The Last Laugh

Former Girlfriend's New Husband Thought They Were In Some Kind Of Competition, So He Signed Them Up To Become Jehovah's Witnesses And Had The Last Laugh

Petty, indeed, but well-deserved.

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