
Dad Rented A Llama As A Birthday GIft To His Son, But His Neighbor Called Animal Control To Report A Wild Animal

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Fred

When you’re a parent, there’s nothing else you’d like for your kid on their birthday than for them to have the best, most memorable time of their life.

Even if it means you must bring a live animal to the party!

But when a kill-joy neighbor calls animal control, that becomes a totally different story.

Read it below to know the whole story.

AITA for gifting my first-grader a llama?

So, my son, Sullivan (bless his adorable eight-year-old heart), is obsessed with llamas. Like, *obsessed*.

Posters, llama plushies, even themed pajamas that make him look like a fluffy white spitball.

His birthday was yesterday, and I wanted to blow his mind.

He planned to surprise his son with a real-life llama.

Enter Schrute — a majestic, fluffy, fully-grown llama I rented for the afternoon.

Now, picture this: twenty screaming kids, bouncy castle deflating from pure chaos, and suddenly, Schrute strolls in, led by a llama handler dressed like a Peruvian shepherd.

Sullivan’s jaw drops to his ankles; every other kid loses their minds.

Everyone loved Schrute!

Chaos melts into pure, llama-induced joy.

Schrute munches on carrots, poses for pictures, even lets the braver kids pat his woolly head.

The party peaks at Schrute-pinata time (stuffed with llama-shaped cookies, obviously).

Well, except for Felicity, I guess.

Here’s where things get… hairy.

Our neighbor, Felicity (queen of HOA complaints and side-eye), calls animal control claiming “animal captivity” and “unpredictable exotic animal.”

Animal control shows up, see a bunch of happy kids petting a chill llama, roll their eyes at Felicity, and leave with a “Happy birthday, kiddo.”

But the damage is done.

He is torn about whether he planned his son’s best or worst birthday gift.

Felicity posts a tearful video on Facebook, claiming I traumatized Sullivan, and endangered the neighborhood with my “reckless llama stunt.”

My wife is horrified, Sullivan just wants Schrute to stay forever, and I’m stuck in the middle.

So, Reddit, AITA for bringing a llama to my son’s birthday party?

Was it awesome birthday magic or irresponsible animal captivity?

Judge away, internet!

That was cute! But let’s see how other people react to this story.

This user pretty much said whatever we all need to say.

According to this user, llamas are legal pets in some states.

Let the rants against the neighbor begin!

This user is talking about Felicity, in case it’s not obvious.

Yup! Exactly this.

His neighbor is such a party pooper!

No doubt about it.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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