
A Guy Cut In Front Of Them At McDonald’s, But They Let Him Do It Because He Was In The Wrong Line And He Ended Up Looking Silly

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@awildfeeling

Sometimes, you just have to let jerks be jerks…

Especially when you know something they don’t and you’re aware that it’s not going to end well for them!

Check out this story from Reddit and learn about how this person let a guy who thought he owned the place fall into a trap.

Start now!

I’ll have a Big Mac, small fries and a serving of humiliation, thanks!

“One evening, I was at my local McD’s, waiting in line to satisfy my cravings for some real junk food.

It was a rather busy night so the queues were longer than usual.

I was standing about a foot and a half behind the person in front – far enough to not invade their personal space but close enough that I was obviously in the queue.

(This was before COVID when social distancing was a thing.)

What the heck…?

Some smug guy decided that the space in front of me had his name on it, so he squeezed himself into the gap, brushing up against both myself and the person in front.

From his body language, I could almost hear himself think “What a sucker! Personal space is for losers who want to wait longer for their meal!”

I have about as much respect for queue jumpers as those who fart in lifts or demand free stuff because they’re social influenzas.

What to do…?

So I started hatching my plan for petty revenge: Should I tap him on the shoulder and nicely ask him to move to the back? Berate him loudly to make everyone gawk at him? Put him in a rear naked choke and go all MMA on him?

In the end, I decided that the best revenge was… to do nothing.

Here it comes…

A few minutes later, he finally reached the front of the line and began dictating his order to the McD’s crew member.

“I’m sorry sir, this is the pickup line for those who have already ordered. You can place your order in that other queue over there.””

Check out what folks had to say on Reddit.

This person weighed in.

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

This individual shared a story.

One person weighed in.

Entitled people are the worst, am I right?

There are so many of them these days.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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