
People At The Next Table Were On A Loud Video Call, So This Girl Found A Way To Annoy Them Into Silence

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Don’t you hate it when people in a restaurant make or take calls loudly?

This girl couldn’t take the loud, annoying video call from the other table so she devised a plan to annoy them, too.

Read on and find out what happened.

Rude family at restaurant…

My family and I (13f) went to Las Vegas as part of our spring break trip.

We went to the Rainforest Café after a show we saw.

We were having conversation whilst waiting for our food.

The people at the next table started a loud, annoying video call

All of a sudden, a kid and their (grandma?) at the table next to us starts a video call.

They had it on. Full. Volume.

The most ear wrenching screeching noise came out of that speaker.

So this girl thought of a similar idea.

It was so rude and a nuisance.

My parent and I wanted to end it.

I started a 3-way call between the three of us, and it made a noise as we put the speaker together.

Let the annoyance begin.

I was giggling my *** off.

And even continued with an annoying audio from YouTube.

Eventually, we ended the call after annoying them.

I then used the annoying YouTube shorts audio “I cOuLd bE pRepPy” on repeat full volume.

A bit later, they ended the call and shot me a dirty look.

If you really need to call someone go somewhere else, not in the middle of a restaurant on full volume.

Haha! That was petty. Let’s find out what other users have to say.

This user shares their personal thoughts.

This one says a text should be enough.

This one shares their own idea of petty revenge.


Harsh, but true.

Join in the conversation!

They’re in a public place, so the call must also be public, right?

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