
An Employee Was Promoted To Supervisor, But Then The Owner Sold The Business To A Nightmare Family And The Employee Maliciously Helped Them Ruin The Business

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/pixabay/StockSnap

How much you do or do not enjoy working for a company can largely depend on your coworkers and your boss.

In today’s story, an employee who used to love working for a fast food company in town, ended up getting revenge after the business was sold to a new owner.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

If you wanna run your business into the ground, I’ll happily help you…

So a few years ago, I worked at a popular fast food chain.

I had just moved to a new town with my family and applied for my first job.

Luckily for me, the boss was willing to give me a chance after running late to an interview or two because I had just started driving on top of being new to the area.

Now this is a very small, old, literally falling apart store in a college town.

Everything is outdated.

At first, things were pretty great. My boss, we shall call him Mr. T, was a little difficult to get along with sometimes because he was getting older and most of the employees were incompetent, some drug addicts, some thieves, and some just plainly bad people.

OP made a lot of friends at work.

A few months go by, I’m getting “promotions” (register to window to grill) and regular raises but more importantly, I’m making friends. Some friends that are basically family to me now.

There’s about 25 employees in total and although sometimes we don’t get along during the shift, we all usually partied some way or another on the weekends.

After awhile, I become good friends with the supervisors.

OP become a supervisor.

So time goes by, all of a sudden I’ve been there a year. I’m now a supervisor.

Becoming a supervisor is sort of a “big deal” because Mr. T asks the other supervisors if they think you’d be a good fit and really respects their opinion because he’s a good boss and he knows that they see a part of the employees he doesn’t.

With that being said, understand that the employees are kinda bad but the supervisors are all very competent. Some would even say overqualified.

They may not like the job, but they have pride in their work ethic to do it well.

I soon learned that the supervisors were the inner circle.

They were all very close because 1) they’d all been there for a few years and 2) they all were good human beings.

They were also basically the reason the store was still running.

So like I said. Things were pretty cool.

OP introduces us to the boss’s daughter.


Mr. T’s daughter worked there. She was in her late 30’s, about 5’8″, maybe 130. Pretty small woman, but she made life bad for us some days.

Sometimes she’d be fine all day, other days she was a nightmare.

OP gives examples of the daughter’s antics.

She had title of Assistant Manager but did nothing. Worked for maybe 6 hours whenever she saw fit because she made the schedule.

She’d chew out employees for trivial mistakes, get in exceptionally loud arguments with Mr. T regardless if the store was empty or packed shoulder to shoulder, purposefully schedule people in a way that she knew would make people upset, and worst of all, make wild accusations about the supervisors doing things to hurt the business(stealing).

We would later learn she had a lot of mental health problems so that is probably why she was so irritable at work.

The supervisors wanted to get revenge.

After a year of me putting up with her, years for the other supervisors, we had finally had enough.

Now, we didn’t want to do anything drastic, because we actually liked Mr. T. He was a good man. He had owned that little store for so long.

As I matured, I realized the reason we had so many problematic employees (why he probably hired me, a 15 year old high school kid who was late to both interviews and made it known I had no work experience) was because he believed in people. He wanted to help somehow and give these people chances to get their lives on track.

We didn’t want to drive a wedge between him and his daughter but something had to be done.

The supervisors had a meeting.

So we had a supervisor meeting, and tried to help while also trying to push her out.

We offered to take many of her daily tasks to ease her workload (which was basically nothing) so that she wasn’t as stressed at work and therefore stressing us out.

The most important of these tasks was making the schedule.

2 years. This is where the revenge begins.

There’s a new boss.

Mr. T calls a meeting.

He’s selling the restaurant to a local guy that owns another store of the same fast food chain in the same town.

The deal will be finalized at the end of the month.

This was all rather sudden (we were all a little heartbroken but knew he needed to let the work and the stress go) but he assured us that the guy buying the place gave him his word that there would be no roster or pay changes.

The guy was pretty sleazy but he at least held up to it. We will now refer to him as Sleezy McSleezyface (SM for short).

The store now has a new manager.

So now Mr. T is out, SM owns the store. But he’s running his main store on the other side of town which is a lot nicer than ours. So he appoints a manager for our store to run things for him.

Nice Guy, NG. The guys is pretty cool, way too nice, a big push over, and just generally doesn’t know how to run a business.

He used to be assistant manager at the other location, but never had to make the hard decisions.

He never did anything to wrong me. But I took advantage of him being a push over (the reason I say this is because it was upsetting to me knowing that I could get away with stuff if I wanted to. There was no structure).

OP got Mr. T’s daughter to quit.

Well at first everything’s cool; some of the supervisors that have been there awhile start leaving and I eventually become “head” supervisor and start making the schedule.

Everyones basically looking for a way out but nothing serious yet.

Now that Mr. T is gone, I make my first order of business to get his daughter out of the store. I start hiding her pens, putting things where they don’t belong, basically doing everything I can to make her hate this place. (mind you, this is before I knew of her mental health issues, I’m not that cold hearted.)

She eventually quits. (Revenge within revenge here)

OP continued to work there.

Now I put up working there for years cuz it wasn’t too bad, but now that management changed, I began to resent the place.

Supervisors and general workforce were being worked thin, the place is becoming more of a mess and falling apart, quality of service is terrible. SM was trying to pinch every penny from that place but he did it all through NG.

SM would show up every couple days to check on things, he would bash NG in front of employees and customers, he’d talk badly about the employees to the supervisors thinking that we were all just “on his team” because we were close with the last owner.

OP finally had enough.

People started quitting so he sent people from the other store to work at our location.

They would tell me stories about him hitting on the young female employees, how he would do drugs with ex employees and talk badly about his stores with them, and rumors of him cheating on his wife.

He was making it hell for us to work there and trying to make it look like it was NG’s fault. The supervisors knew the truth though.

So one night (roughly 4 months after management had changed) I came to work and something just snapped. I was done with the place. My first job in what used to be a cozy, little hole-in-the-wall was now full of resent.

OP put in 3 weeks notice.

I put my 3 weeks in (huh 3 weeks I wonder why? 🤔) and talked the rest of the supervisors into quitting with me. All but 1 followed suit.

Now the reason I put in 3 weeks instead of 2 was for 1 reason (see what I did there?): I wanted to make sure that place was ran into the ground when I left. And I knew I could have put in a 52 week notice and NG would have accepted it.

NG never talked to me again and I don’t blame him but there was a deep seated hate in me for what SM had ruined.

Some of the other supervisors left immediately, some did two weeks. Which would leave me a week of being the only supervisor to shamelessly sabotage the place.

OP let the store become chaotic.

So it began.

I heard that supervisors were gonna come from the other store to fill our places. That wasn’t gonna help because the other supervisors were the polar opposite of us: lazy, terrible people.

All of a sudden, the storage sheds and freezers/coolers are in complete disarray because the employees never put stuff where it belonged AND yours truly was stocking things completely out of order to facilitate the chaos.

Customers begin to complain about the food quality. Guess no one was taking the time to properly clean the equipment. 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Oh no, the warehouses accidentally shipped us too much stuff. Guess we gotta send it back. Oh you sent it back already? It was just a mistake on the inventory sheet. We NEEDED that.

OP was supposed to train an employee to make the schedule.

And so it continued, I made sure I didn’t break any laws and I made it bad for people working there, but it was all because SM thought he could treat us employees like lifeless robots and blame it on NG.

Part of me feels bad for it but I wasn’t close enough with the other employees for it to really affect me.

And on the final week. He asked that I teach one of his employees how to do the schedule.

I called in sick every time I was supposed to train them. But I promised him I’d give him the schedule for the next week on the day I left.

OP made sure the employee wasn’t trained and the schedule was deleted.

I never made it.

And I deleted all the resources to make the schedule and copies of the schedule from the store computer BUT I knew they had a log of all the dates and times employees were there that I couldn’t delete because it’d be a little on the illegal side.

All the employee preferences of “I’d like to work on this day but not this one” and all the Request Off slips some how got lost in it all. Whoops.

And the schedule was supposed to be posted my last day for the following week. Whoops.

OP shares what the store is like now and fond memories of Mr. T.

I visited this year and the place is still open but it’s almost exclusively run by SM and a handful of other employees.

SM’s wife divorced him apparently and his other store is closed. I don’t know why it is but it’s a Hardees now with what I assume is a new owner.

I didn’t stop in because pretty sure SM would recognize me but I bet he hates his life in there. But maybe it’s just karma.

Guys, I’m really sorry for the book. I know I was a little theatrical at times but just know it’s because as my first job, I put a lot into it and really felt like I was helping. And Mr. T was like a cool great uncle to me. When he left, he gave all the supervisors a bonus equivalent to a 80 hour paycheck and a birthday bonus.

He was a good man.

It’s amazing how much a job can change when there’s a new owner. I’m surprised OP didn’t quit earlier.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

One reader called OP’s actions “sabotage.”

Another reader thinks OP became a “villain.”

This person defined revenge.

Another reader couldn’t help but quote the famous Mr. T.

I feel bad for the employees that were left with the mess when the supervisor quit.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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