
Her Cafe Coworker Refused To Help Clean Up At The End Of The Day, So She Found A Way To Get Revenge

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/Pexels/Igor Starkov

When you work with a lazy employee and are forced to pick up the slack, it can make you resentful.

In today’s story, one employee gets revenge on another employee who refuses to help clean the cafe where they work.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Getting a protected species off the list

If you’ve ever worked in a cafe you’ll know who the protected species are. They’re usually blonde, female, and hot.

They get the cruisey jobs like barista or waitress. They get paid to bat their eye lashes and look pretty and not much else.

For some reason they never have to help the other staff clean and pack down the establishment at the end of a shift.

They never and I mean never have to clean the toilets. In fact you never really see them do anything except text on their phone and be rude to customers.

She had to work with a “protected species” who did basically nothing.

I got so sick of the protected species at one of my jobs because she’d leave earlier than me everyday and leave all the cleaning and packing down for me to do even though we were meant to share the job equally.

I mentioned it to the boss. He pretended to take it on board and nothing was ever said or done about it.

She continued to show up, not work, collect money, then hit the beach.

If only we all could be kissed on the a** by financially stable neo hippie parents and surf through life on a sea of coconut oil and kale smoothies.

She finally had enough.

The final straw came when she made me empty her coffee bin after standing there texting on her phone and watching me clean the entire cafe by myself.

We had four seating areas and an outdoor courtyard that needed attending to.

That’s a lot of furniture, umbrellas, heavy signs and flower pots to carry and store inside.

As well as mopping, vacuuming, cleaning down all the furniture, and packing down and cleaning the front of house equipment.

She worked like the incompetent coworker.

One day I got to work a few minutes before her and I punched holes in the bottom of a fresh bin bag and set up her coffee bin for the day.

Usually I work very clean and efficiently. I put everything away after using it, refill items that are running low, and wipe down my work spaces.

This day I did the kind of things she would do.

I left everything out and messy, I let everything including the floor get sticky when I made the fresh squeezed juices, I deliberately left spilled milk around the milkshake mixers, I didn’t refill the cakes in the display fridge, I made sure I got coffee grind under my shoes and tracked it all over the sticky tiles, I didn’t cut up fruit to refill the tubs. I didn’t refill anything.

She made up an excuse to leave without cleaning up.

Then forty five minutes before the cafe was due to close I quietly slipped into the little office out the back and told my boss I was having lady problems and needed to leave early.

I rarely took sick days and I always came in early and worked back late.

He didn’t question it and told me to go home and take care of myself.

I slipped out the back without saying good bye.

The blond had to do all the cleaning.

When I got to work the next day, I found out she had pulled the bag out of the coffee bin and all the filthy grind and watery black slop went all over her shoes and the tiles she had just mopped.

She had to stay back and clean it up and mop the floor a second time.

She had to clean and pack down the entire cafe by herself and it was ten times filthier than it usually was because I hadn’t been giving a care all day.

It took her almost two hours to do it all and by the end she was covered in filth, sweating, and cursing about it.

Little precious couldn’t handle putting in any elbow grease and she was bad at her job. This became obvious to my boss finally!

The boss finally made the blond do equal work.

He was not impressed that it took her so long to pack down.

She tried to complain about me leaving early and leaving it all for her, and he pointed out that she often does the same thing to me only it doesn’t take me anywhere near as long to do my job.

Any time she worked with me after that, the boss made sure she did half the work. She hated it and she hated me. It was obvious.

I tried not to look too smug about it. She didn’t last there too much longer.

If only there were a security camera where you could go back and watch the footage of the blond cleaning and making an even bigger mess!

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…

This reader loves the term “protected species.”

Another reader expected a completely different story.

This person found the story “refreshing.”

Another reader pointed out that she really DID have lady problems.

I doubt that the “protected species” learned her lesson.

What a nightmare of a human.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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