
Her Manager Let Her Use Her Phone, But This Employee Had An Ulterior Motive Of Revenge

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/pixabay/ Telesolutionscallcentr

A good manager tries to help you succeed in your career not sabotage you to get you fired.

In today’s story, an employee finds out the manager is sabotaging the employee at work, and that’s when the revenge kicks into high gear.

Let’s see how the drama escalates…

My top manager tried to flip me,so I got her fired two times

I am from Russia living in second biggest city in our country, and a decent student in university(second year), this information will be useful later on.

So story begin at time when I was only in school, last year( here we dont have high school or middle school, we just have 11 years of education and then uni), that was 2 month before my exam for applying to uni, and I was in search for job.

I wanted to have my own apartment, because I was leaving this entire time with grandparents and didnt want them to lug me on their back any longer.

She introduces us to M.

That took a while but I found a job that was paying a decent amount of money for a part time job. I was only 17 and could not afford to work full time.

It was a job at call center, and boy oh boy that was a bad job.

Here comes the object of our story. Lets call her M short for Mary, and M hated me.

She was my top manager. I was just manager that was just taking call or calling people to give them our product “LITERALLY FOR FREE” of course, and M was the women that should take 10 another employees and stack them together in one group.

Everything was okay for awhile.

For month and the half it was ok, M even gave me her working phone because there wasnt enough phone for everybody in her group(I thought that was ok and did nothing about it).

I was doing fine. I had 11 clients that actually bought our product and was really happy.

Then storm came.

The boss threatened to fire her.

One day I was called by my boss and said that if I do not have any clients until end of the month I will get fired.

I said to him that I already had 11 clients in one month, and that I thought that will be enough for starter.

He said it had been already a month and that he dont want to here that nonesense and that I should take situation in my hands like a big boy and deal with it.

I was on fire. I didnt understand how this happened. Then like a spark I got it.

She knew who was responsible.

M. something was off and I asked my friend to play role in my plan.

I wasnt sure that M did something to me so I wanted to be sure. Plan was easy.

I call my friend. He pretends to be custumer, and then I take record for everything and look how this unfolds.

She shouldn’t have been using M’s phone.

Of course M was the problem. As it unfolded there was well enough phones for everybody, what I didnt know,that every phone had id of worker in it so every call I gave and every client I had was on her account.

How I wasnt fired yet you ask? Easy she was doing some call from phone with my id every day. And this where my revenge started.

Revenge plan: -5 Friends of mine will pretend as clients, and will be my evidence as that I spoke to them and they were mine, thou I talked from M phone.

Remember how M called from my phone now and then? Every time she called from work phone ( my phone) in my sight I tried to rush from place( we have cameras everywhere), so then I can call her out that she was pretending to be me and steal my clients.

M got fired.

The day: Everything was set up so I was ready. Two video tapes with security cameras tapes and 15 papers with my client calls in text was on our boss table.

Ms face was in such shade of red when I was asked in boss cabinet, that I assumed that she was a red giant(star).

She fummed but good old boss said her exact same thing that I heard from him. He is not taking her nonsense.

She was fired, but promised me that one day she will get revenge.

She also got M fired from her next job.

Well this is where second part of story starts. It will be short so stay with me.

I lasted on this job for two more month and got better full time job cause already turned 18, already in university but for my shame thru my parents, grandmother teaching there, thou I trying my best to be a good student.

One day I walked into office of my grandmom (she is also a big deal in our uni) and who do you think I see working on my grandma as here phone assistant? Right old good M.

Her look was like, oh yes I found a way to mess with you, but little did she knew that I was grandkid of her boss, and when I kissed my grandma in check, her face said everything for her.

Next day she got fired. There was no plan thou, I just told my grandma my story with her, and for this day I dont feel guilty for that.

M certainly picked the wrong person to mess with, and her new job was definitely a bad idea!

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…

This reader likes the story.

Another reader thought the story was “awesome.”

This person shares how tough Russian grandmas can be.

Another person shares a story about a friend.

This reader wants to know more about how the grandma fired M.

Getting fired by the Russian grandma was the icing on the cake!

Everyone loves a fierce grandma tale.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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