
His “Friend” Wanted To Get Him Fired, So He Turned The Tables At Work And Stole His Wife Too

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Well, this story sure is a weird one…

But that’s what you get sometimes from the pages of Reddit!

Weird, wild stuff!

Read on and see what you think about how this guy handled a precarious situation with his neighbor.

My ex-friend and neighbor gets what is coming to him.

“About 6 years ago I moved into my current house in a great neighborhood.

I work from home when I am not traveling and it is a great spot, in a nice part of town and near everything.

When I first moved in, one of the ladies on my street came over to introduce herself and was getting quite frisky with me.


I was told by other folks that she was this way with everyone and that she was totally harmless.

I will admit that this disappointed me because I thought she was pretty hot.

Anyway, her husband and I became buddies and we would occasionally golf together and I became a part of their group of friends.

I was invited to many family get togethers even though I am single and I got along great with all of the wives and kids.

She was always hinting and flirting around with me, and to be honest, I loved it.

Her husband and I work in similar fields and the company that I work for acquired his company about 3 years ago.

Unbeknownst to me, he got slightly demoted and lost a bit of salary.

For some reason, he thinks that I had something to do with it.

I didn’t.

It was not in my field and I actually don’t even know any of the people that re-organized his unit.

He asked me to help him and unfortunately, I couldn’t.

He decided to take it out on me personally.

He was getting the cold shoulder.

Golf games started happening without me.

Cookouts and local outings went on and I didn’t get invited.

Oh well, if he wants to be that way there is nothing I can do about it!

Then he upped the ante. He tried to get me fired.

My boss came to me about some “anonymous source” that says I was doing some illegal things and potentially making our company liable.

I was forced to see a psychologist and pass numerous drug tests to stay out in the field doing sales.

Needless to say, I knew who the source was.

I confronted him about it and he denied the entire thing with a smirk on his face.

So that is when the revenge plan started.

Not knowing which way to turn, I decided that I did not want to cause him to lose his job.

I could not figure out a way to do it anyway since we are not in the same division.

After a year or so, I completely forgot about it until about 10 days ago.

I ran into his wife after she had been at church and she was dressed to the nines.

She totally flirted me up and was hitting on me brazenly right in the grocery.

So I decided to fire back.

I told her that if she showed up at my house the next morning around 10am in that dress and those heels, that I could not control what happened next.

This sounds like it’s gonna get ugly…

Guess who showed up at 930 the next morning?

The wife, wearing the same dress and heels.

When I let her in the house, it was like unleashing a wild animal.

She ended up staying for a couple of hours and there was not a way that I didn’t have her.

Since then, she has been over twice more, but things will get a little more sporadic since school is out and she has responsibilities now during the day.

Try and cost me my job and I will get you back.”

Now let’s see what folks had to say on Reddit.

This person chimed in.

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Another reader wasn’t too impressed.

Another individual asked a question.

And this Reddit user nailed it.

That escalated quickly!

I have a feeling the revenge game is not over.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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