
An Uber Eats Delivery Driver Said She Was A Victim Of Tip Baiting. – ‘Not only just angry, but sad that somebody would do that.’

Source: TikTok/@epicroamingadventures

Have you heard of tip baiting?

It’s what happens when customers put a big tip on a delivery order to get a driver on the job right away…but then they take the tip away after their items are delivered.

It’s a real thing and a woman posted a video on TikTok to talk about how she was tip baited while working for Uber Eats.

The woman said she was working for Uber Eats when a delivery for $48.64 from a Costco store popped up and she figured it would be worth her time to do it.

She told viewers, “I got 100% completed. Packed it all up for her. I packed her chemical stuff, like she got Febreze and things like that in, a separate box. She had nine giant bags of chicken nuggets. OK, you like chicken nuggets, cool. Also got some ribeye steaks for 50 bucks. Those chicken nugget bags are about 17 bucks apiece. Her total was $422, so that average is gonna be, you know, that amount is gonna be feasible for that.”

She continued, “I even put the steaks in between two of the frozen items so they would stay nice and cold. So I get it delivered, I’m communicating with her the whole time. You know, I’m on my way, I pull up, I get her pin from her. I proceed to hand her everything, ask her if she needs help with anything. And at the end, I said, ‘Thank you so much for your generosity. I really appreciate it. My son’s birthday is coming up.’”

But then she got the bad news that she only ended up getting paid $9.52 for the delivery…

She explained, “They have an hour to change the tip, either make it more or they can make it less. So watch what happened.”

And then the customer ended up taking her whole tip away.

The woman talked about tip baiting and said, “I’ve been up all night. Not only just angry, but sad that somebody would do that to somebody .Especially after they expressed such gratitude and did such a good job. It’s just wrong.”

She added,  “Someone says they’re gonna give you almost 50 bucks for doing any job. And they only give you $9.50, it’s wrong. It’s just wrong.”

Here’s the video.


#greenscreen #ubereats #tipbaiting #uberdriver #tipbaited #uber

♬ original sound – EpicRoamingAdventures

This is what TikTokkers had to say.

This person chimed in.

Another TikTokker had a story to tell.

And this individual offered a tip.

This is ridiculous!

If you liked that story, check out this video from a former Chipotle employee who reveals how the company cheats customers out of food.

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