Do you think dogs are better off living inside or outside?
In today’s story, a boyfriend and girlfriend have completely opposite answers to this question, and it’s causing a lot of drama.
Let’s see why they have such different views on what’s best for dogs.
AITA for telling my gf to let her dogs inside the house or I would report her?
I(25m) have been dating someone(27f) for almost a year.
She has a small farm, with chickens, goats, and some sheep.
When we met she told me she had 2 dogs, a almost 2 year old Great Pyrenees and a 3 and a bit year old Border Collie.
I grew up with dogs and so didn’t think much of it.
They’re thinking about moving in together.
I’ve been to her farm a couple times, but never stayed overnight or really seen how she treated her dogs.
A few weeks ago she brought up moving in, and we decided that I’d stay at her place for a week and then we’d make a plan.
I went over a couple days ago and since then I’ve seen how she treats her dogs.
The dogs live outside on the farm.
They never come inside the house. They are outside with her animals most of the day and then sleep in the barn.
They rarely get human interaction, except for when she lets the animals out and brings them back in, does a (short) training session, and she occasionally does some agility training with the border collie.
They never get taken anywhere, they live completely on the farm.
If they need a vet then one comes out to the farm. The Great Pyrenees is not fixed.
The girlfriend defended her choice to let the dogs live outside.
I brought this up and she said that they are fine living outside, and that they live a more fulfilling life than most dogs do now.
I asked what would happen if one of them injured themselves during the night, and she didn’t seem concerned, she said she would take care of it in the morning.
She said that then being able to be outside, doing a job, is better for them than living inside being bored all day, and that the Great Pyrenees would get fixed when it was old enough.
He is used to indoor dogs.
I grew up with dogs and all my dogs lived inside.
We had bigger dogs and they were fine, so I know that dogs can live inside and be healthy and happy.
Additionally, all of them were fixed before they were one.
He wants to report her to animal control.
I told her that if she didn’t let the dogs inside and not make them sleep in an unheated barn I would call animal control on them.
She said I was a jerk and that I don’t understand dogs or know anything about them.
WIBTA if I did report her?
Wow – overreact much? It sounds like the dogs have a great life!
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
These are farm dogs.
They are working dogs.
He’s completely out of line.
He probably shouldn’t live on a farm.
Animal control would laugh.
They definitely shouldn’t move in together.
These dogs are probably happier than most indoor dogs.
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