As your parents get older, it is often necessary to help take care of them, and sometimes that means assisting them with their bills.
What would you do if you were paying the mortgage for your parents, and then your sister moved in with them and live there going forward?
That is what happened to the sister in this story, so she told them that she wasn’t going to keep paying the bills and now they say she is being greedy.
Check it out.
AITA for not paying my parents’ mortgage after my sister moved in
For the past 8 years, I (32M) have been paying my parents’ property taxes and mortgage.
They are retired and have very little retirement savings because they put all their money into my sister (29F) and I’s education.
We both went to top universities and found successful jobs afterwards.
That is very nice of her.
I felt like I owed my parents for all they sacrificed for me, so it was a no brainer to help them retire with no financial stress.
My parents did not consult my sister about splitting these costs with me; instead, the agreement was that I would get a larger share of the house.
Fast forward to now, my sister unfortunately lost her job last year and as a result, doesn’t have much savings.
She moved in with my parents to save money while she looks for a job.
She will end up getting the house.
I recently found out that my sister pitched staying permanently in my parents’ house, and my parents agreed.
I was furious at this, because I had been paying for the house with the understanding that it would be sold and I would get a larger share.
Yeah, she’ll never sell.
It is very likely my sister never sells the house and instead raises her eventual family there.
Because the original agreement with my parents changed, I stopped paying for the mortgage, leaving it up to my sister to take care of if she’s taking over the house.
My parents are furious with me, saying I’m too money-obsessed and should be continuing to help the family while my sister is in a tough spot still looking for a job.
Make sure to get this in writing, reviewed by an attorney.
Instead, they are promising that eventually my sister will pay me out for my share of the house plus whatever else I contributed over 8 years.
I turned that offer down because there’s no real guarantee this will happen and I don’t trust my sister to follow through financially.
I may be wrong for taking such a cynical stance and leaving my family in financial stress, but I feel like I was already burned once through verbal agreements and I don’t want to get burned again.
There is no way I would keep paying for this, especially without something in writing about how I would get my money back at some point.
Read on to see what other people in the comments think about this situation.
This is exactly right.
This is a really good point.
This commenter says it is not financially responsible.
Here is a comment about getting her name on the title.
This person points out that she needs to get everything in writing.
This family needs to get everyone on the same page.
Or someone is going to end up angry.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.