
‘Corn cobs are not digestible, so the body cannot break them down.’ A Vet Warned Dog Owners About Feeding Your Best Friend Corn Cobs

TikTokCornCobDogs Corn cobs are not digestible, so the body cannot break them down. A Vet Warned Dog Owners About Feeding Your Best Friend Corn Cobs

Dog owners, we want you to listen and listen GOOD!

Because a veterinarian named Dr. Crocker shared a video on TikTok where she warned her viewers about the dangers of sharing corn cobs with your pooches.

The text overlay to her video reads, “POV: ER Veterinarians after they ate corn on the cob for dinner.

And the doctor’s caption reads, “Corn cobs are the WORST foreign body your dog can eat.”

Photo Credit: TikTok

In an email exchange, Dr. Crocker elaborated and said, “Corn cobs are not digestible, so the body cannot break them down. They travel through the intestines whole, and swell since they are so absorbent,” she noted. “This makes them very damaging to the intestines and often can cause an obstruction, resulting in the pet needing surgery.”

Photo Credit: TikTok

And if your dog does happen to eat one, Crocker said, “If you know your pet ingested a whole corn cob, it is recommended you seek veterinary care immediately. Your veterinarian can often induce vomiting to remove the corn cobs from the stomach. That way, they never get a chance to cause any issues!”

This is great advice!

Photo Credit: TikTok

Take a look at the video.

@dr.tannetje.crocker Corn cobs are the WORST foreign body your dog can eat. #veterinarylife #dogemergency #vetmedicine #emergencyvetmed ♬ Stayin Alive – Bee Gees

Here’s what people had to say about it.

This person was thankful for the advice.

Photo Credit: TikTok

Another individual has had some bad experiences with dogs and corn cobs.

Photo Credit: TikTok

And this TikTokker said their dog ate corn cobs for years and never had a problem.

Photo Credit: TikTok

Yeah, it sounds like you should just keep those corn cobs away from your best friend.

Just be safe with the doggos. There’s a lot that can make them sick.

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