A Manager Told Him To Cover Up His Tattoos At Work, But He Knew The Rules So He Complied By Wearing A See-Through Shirt
by Matthew Gilligan
Attitudes about tattoos and the people who have them have changed a lot in recent years, but one thing’s for certain: some people just don’t seem to be cool with them.
The person you’re about to hear from handled his situation at work PERFECTLY.
Take a look at what happened!
Want me to cover up my tattoos? Sure. You never said what with.
“So this was a few years back.
I have quite a few tattoos (basically all my chest, my upper back, top half sleeves and one on the inside of each forearm (about 15 cm across).
These last 2 are what started it all.
I worked for a cinema chain for a LONG time. Always had tattoos. I landed myself a management role. The standard uniform was black shirt and black trousers.
I prefer a short sleeved shirt due to being a bigger guy and cinemas being bloody hot.
There was a problem…
My site manager quite liked my tattoos and other quirks that I had. My area manager however did not. She would come in to the site, walk passed 8 other staff with full sleeve tattoos and make a bee line straight to me.
Stating that my tattoos need covering up and I quote “they’re not offensive just a lot of people don’t like them”.
Now my tattoos aren’t offensive they’re just patterns.
She informed me that I had to wear long sleeves to cover them up otherwise I would face disciplinary action.
I had read the employee handbook a few times because of other petty **** so I know it was the manager’s decision (my site manager) but she decided to over rule it.
He knew something that she didn’t…
What she forgot was just because the normal retail staff HAD to wear black. Management were allowed to wear white.
Just nobody did because it was hard to keep clean.
So what should I do? I know let’s go and buy the thinnest cheapest most see through white long sleeve shirt I can find.
Nice response!
Now if you could only see her face when she came in next when I’m basically wearing a shirt more see through than tracing paper.
You can see the colour shift from my individual chest hairs and ALL my tattoos are on show for everyone to see while stood behind the tills talking to customers.
Needless to say I got to wear my short sleeved black shirt again after that.”
Let’s see how Reddit users reacted.
This reader shared a story.
Another individual spoke up.
This person had a lot to say.
Another reader talked about an old job they had.
And this person made a good point.
Now, that’s how malicious compliance is done!
Nice work!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.

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