Woman Fell On Hard Times And Moved In With Family, But When She Lashed Out At The Host She Ended Up Back On The Street
by Benjamin Cottrell
When life knocks you down, your family can offer a much-needed lifeline — but only if you let them.
When one woman, down on her luck, refused to accept her sister-in-law’s eco-friendly lifestyle, she turned a helping hand into a burned bridge.
Read on for the full story!
AITA for telling my sister she has to move out if she can not respect the house rules?
My wife, while coming from a well-off home, is thrifty in the kitchen.
She believes that food waste is terrible.
We have a leftover day, and my wife believes in composting.
She is active in community gardens and farmers markets.
She also believes in up-cycling items and reusing them or selling things at the farmers market.
Some people don’t really understand her lifestyle.
My family thinks she’s a fanatic, but it’s something she and her friends enjoy.
My sister fell on hard times, recently left a horrible relationship, and has two kids.
She moved in and has repeatedly called my wife stupid.
Their sister’s habits tend to clash with their wife’s.
My sister isn’t working and receives SNAP and WIC benefits.
The problem is, my sister and her kids are wasteful with their food.
But regardless, the wife tries to help the sister learn a new way of doing things.
My wife has offered to help my sister learn to can or even make her own baby food.
My sister said no.
She refuses to compost basic items such as coffee and doesn’t separate recyclables.
She thinks leftover days are stupid.
But the sister refuses to accept any help.
She told us, “You make enough money, and I’m sick of my wife’s stupid BS rules.”
Her words.
My wife tried to show her what can be composted again and asked her to help at a farmer’s market, hoping to get her more involved in the community.
There are also children for my nephews to play with and other parents she can connect with.
It’s an overall positive impact.
But my sister refused.
But she doesn’t just refuse.
Things go to worst when my wife tells my sister about the coffees grounds and my sister gets mad and throws cleaning solutions on top of my compost pile and calls my wife a “stupid dirty trash picker”.
So finally, her sibling takes a stand against her bad behavior.
I’m disgusted at my sister and tell her she’s done.
She needs to find a new place to live! She can’t be respectful in other peoples home.
The sister tries to make excuses, but her sibling isn’t standing for it.
She may think composting and recycling are dirty work, but at least we aren’t homeless dragging two kids house to house.
My sister tries to back track saying she had a rough day but she’s not working and does the bare minimum cleaning and helping out.
They then provide her with an ultimatum.
So I told her she can either move out on her own or I will get the courts involved.
So the sister moves out and begins spreading lies.
She left that night on her own and is staying in a homeless shelter in the middle of summer while making herself the victim to the rest of the extended family and telling social media she needs a place to crash.
While some people have reached out to is saying how could we, most of my wife’s friends and family saw how she acted in our home and to our faces.
She insists that she isn’t the one at fault and instead blames her family.
However, on social media my sister paints herself a victim because she acts like she got kicked out for not composting, refusing to be a live in maid and we treated her terribly.
She’s posting her Venmo and she publicly shared a screenshots of people donating to her calling my wife and I awful names.
AITA for kicking her out?
That’s one way to squander a second chance.
Let’s see what Reddit had to say.
The sister may paint herself as the victim, but this commenter isn’t buying it.
Disagreeing with the wife’s habits is one thing, but actively name-calling is another.
This commenter can’t believe the sister would treat people who were trying to help her so poorly.
For getting a roof put over her head, the sister’s family wasn’t asking that much of her.
Her family tried to offer her a fresh start, but in the end, they couldn’t force her to embrace it.
Her refusal to change led her right back to where she began — out on the curb.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, composting, couch surfing, family drama, family fighting, helping family, homelessness, picture, reddit, second chances, sustainability, top

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