July 22, 2024 at 11:16 am

Dad Insists On Pushing His Reluctant Son Down A Big Slide, So This Employee Steps In And Gives The Dad A Little Push Of His Own

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Pexels/Simeon Stoilov, Reddit/Petty Revenge

To say that parenting styles differ would be a huge understatement. But let’s just say the dad in this story was particularly pushy.

When a kindhearted employee noticed a kid in distress over a big slide, he took matters into his own hands – with gusto.

Read on to find out what happened next!

Revenge on dad who tormented his kid at my work.

I work at a place that has a big slide for guests of all ages. Part of my job is to assist people getting into the slide.

One dad brings his kid that must of been 6 years old who dearly does not want to do the slide.

He forces his son to sit at the top, holding him in place while he cries for his mom saying he doesn’t want to do it.

The compassionate employee tries to make the kid feel at ease.

I kneel to his level and try to tell him it’s not scary and that he doesn’t have to do it if he doesn’t want to.

The kid begins to tell me that he doesn’t want a push and wants to pull himself down.

The dad isn’t taking the hint.

His dad completely interrupts, speaks over him and me, saying he is going to push him down.

The kid obviously freaks out again and starts crying.

Other people are starting to take notice too.

Everyone around is clearly upset with how the father is acting.

All the while he is smiling at us like, “Huh! Kids right?” As if we are on his side.

He eventually lets his son back off and take the stairs, while he takes the slide down.

The employee decides to take matters into his own hands.

Just as he starts taking his phone out to record, I give him a massive push and he is clearly startled and frantically tries to hold onto his slide carpet.

Small revenge, but it felt good to shove that guy down a big chute to get him far away from me.

Doesn’t feel so good when you’re the one being pushed, huh dad?

Let’s see what Reddit had to say.

Bullying your kids is not a good look!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Someone has to hold the bags!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Parents like these aren’t teaching their kids the lessons they think they are.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Not all heroes wear capes!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

So what did we learn here?

Next time your kid doesn’t want to do something…

Just let it slide.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.