Family-In-Need Moves In With Sister To Save Money And Buy A House, But When A Freak Alarm Is Set Off They’re Rudely Told To Leave In 6 Months
by Heide Lazaro
Living in someone else’s home can be stressful, even if they’re your family.
They can have really strict rules, and no matter how hard you try to explain, sometimes, you may come off as the villain.
In this story, OP and his family are living with his sister and BIL’s house, but after an unintentional incident, they get kicked off.
Now, they’re wondering if it was indeed their fault. Read the full story and be the judge.
AITA (and my wife) for getting us kicked out of my sister and brother-in-law’s house because my son is a “liability”?
My wife and I are parents to our only child who just turned 3.
Last year, we decided not to renew our lease as we couldn’t afford the rent increase.
My sister and brother-in-law recently bought a house a few years ago, so I approached them in confidence asking for help, just so I can save up enough money for a down payment on a home.
They agreed, and everything was going well.
We negotiated to stay for a year, no rent, and after that, if things go well, we can hash out a month-to-month plan.
She asked for the $20K life savings I had to be their “downpayment” to get the basement project started, which would be finished at the same time our lease was up, so we moved in late January.
Everything was going very well with the living situation, until this past Presidents Day weekend.
Something happened.
My sister and brother-in-law took a trip out of state for the weekend, and we stayed in the basement apartment for the entire time, never making a fuss about things.
I was coming home from work Tuesday, and when I get home, and I see my wife sitting on the floor of the living room, still upset, but she recounted what happened.
Their 3-year-old son ran towards the road while the alarm was going off.
She came home with my son up to the front door.
She opened the front door to the alarm going off, when my son broke away from her running down the driveway towards the street where there was an incoming car.
The alarm countdown started, but in that instant, she dropped everything and ran after him.
Thank God, no one got hurt.
Luckily, the car that was coming was a neighbor across the street who saw what was happening and slowed down.
My wife was able to grab my son and bring him inside, when the panic alarm started blaring.
My sister was able to remotely deactivate the alarm.
I felt as long as no one was hurt it was alright. We pledged to readjust as all people make mistakes, and left it to bed.
OP’s sister wanted them out.
It wasn’t until Friday that my sister asked to talk to me.
She told me that she and my brother-in-law want us out in 6 months and will give back $10K.
I asked why, and they said because we didn’t tell them what happened with my son as a “liability” and that the trust was broken, and they had to hear it from 2 neighbors who saw and told them what happened.
I was absolutely stunned at the reasoning.
OP tried to justify what happened.
I told her it was an isolated incident where no one got hurt.
I didn’t think I needed to keep them informed of all the goings on with my family, unless it was something egregious.
She said that this incident brings attention to them.
He was sad about the decision.
My guess, she thinks it’s going to prompt people to report the residence for possibly an illegal apartment.
This is a speculation, because I don’t know if they have permits for it or an HOA.
But I’m shocked and saddened that they came to this decision after only a month of us being here for what I think is a very frivolous reason.
His wife thinks she’s the one to blame.
My wife feels like this was her fault, and I assured her it wasn’t.
I recognize this is their house and I never made a legally binding agreement to them. I’m SOL, and will have to pick up and move again in 6 months or less.
Are we the AH?
Let’s see what other Reddit users have to say.
This user is curious.
Meanwhile, this one is suspicious.
Here’s a positive way to look at the situation.
This one, too, and the user says to just be grateful.
Oh, here’s a different suggestion.
A kid is a kid. They’re never a liability.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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