Rude Neighbor Leaves His Garbage Out In The Open To Get Blown Around, So They Refused To Lend Him A Helping Hand During A Blizzard
by Matthew Gilligan
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…
It pays to be a good neighbor!
But some people either don’t have it in them OR they just need to learn things the hard way.
Take a look at this story from Reddit…it might just convince you to be a better neighbor.
Community Snowpocalypse.
“We have one neighbor who is a bit of a jerk.
He’s the kind of fellow who leaves unbagged rubbish out overnight leaving it to blow down the entire street.
He’ll allow his visitors to block other people’s driveways, and gives attitude if asked to move.
He’s a bit annoying.
There is the middle of a huge storm.
So we are currently in the middle of a blizzard. It’s been non-stop for close to a week now, and we have snow drifts up to the first floors.
The only way to keep up, is to go out and plow every few hours, otherwise the snow will become wholly unmanageable.
It’s just common knowledge that you’ll need a plow to keep up. Most of us have one, and there’s an unspoken law that you’ll help those who do not.
The neighbors get up early, plow the driveways and sidewalks, go about their business.
This guy’s house is across the way from ours, so we’d normally be the ones helping to clear his drive.
I don’t think so…
But I don’t want to. Apparently, nobody else felt the need to help him either.
So I got to spend the entire day watching him chip away at his iced over driveway using a garden trowel and a cardboard box.
He’s surrounded by neatly cleared drives and sidewalks, and his is just swamped.
It’s a good thing he has all that loose garbage to use as makeshift shovels.”
Reddit users spoke up.
This person shared their thoughts.
Another individual chimed in.
This Reddit user nailed it.
And one reader made a funny comment.
He should’ve been nicer to his neighbors!
It would have paid dividends in the end.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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