Her Dad Offered To Pay Her If She Helped Her Sister With Her Schoolwork, But She Doesn’t Want To Do It Because Her Dad Is Already Really Forgetful When It Comes To Paying Her For Her Chores
by Jayne Elliott
When you’re a kid or teenager and you don’t have a job, an allowance is really the only way you have to save up some money.
The problem is if your parents make excuses not to pay you the agreed upon amount.
In today’s story, one teenage girl explains that her dad is unreliable when it comes to paying her allowance.
This makes her hesitant to agree to more responsibilities.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
AITA for refusing to do my chores after my parents told me that they wouldn’t give me my allowance that i would get doing them?
I (16F) have had this arrangement with my parents that if i do my chores every month i will get $25.
This includes doing the laundry, dishes, and sometimes also sweeping the floor
I have diligently been doing them basically every day i could except for a few days where I’ve been bone exhausted from school (im a part of the IB Diploma and try super hard to get straight 7s / A*)
So yeah there have been a few days where I haven’t been able to do said chores but because of that my parents are refusing to pay me my monthly allowance
She thought she was going to get $75 a month.
My dad just told me today that if i teach my sister everyday after school he’ll give me another $50 in return
So at first i thought this would be great bc ive been saving up and it would really help me out to get $75 per month rather than just $25- but heres the catch-
My parents are actually really horrible at paying me previously.
Ive been doing this for a while but they keep on refusing to pay me- for my september allowance they straight up didnt pay me until mid-october during a festival where its customary to give some money for good luck.
Strictly speaking the money i got during the festival should be unconnected to my sep allowance but i didnt really care much at the time bc i was just glad to finally be paid
She called her dad out on how bad he is at paying her.
And today where my dad just offered me the $50 and I pointed out that he didnt pay me my oct allowance.
I didnt want to take up the extra offer and waste another hour of each day teaching my sister because frankly some days i have a 9 hour school day + 2 hours taken in public transport from going to school and back.
Thats 11 hours of my day just in school and i already have my own homework to do
So logically I pointed that out and asked for him to pay me the $25 from my oct chores first and guess what-
My dad said he already paid me for october
I asked when and he told me that what he gave me during the festival was my oct allowance
She doesn’t want to teach her sister because she probably won’t get paid.
And what the heck- not only was the money i got there NOT supposed to be from my allowance BUT THE FACT that he claimed it was my oct allowance rather than my sep one!
He claimed that since he gave it to me in oct it counts as the oct allowance- EVEN THOUGH it was his fault for not paying me in sep and paying late
So now im honestly considering refusing to teach my sister because i dont want to waste my limited time.
Now when i brought it up hes saying that if im going to be so picky about it i should just pay my tuition fee myself and pay rent and cook for myself etc-
So genuinely AITA here?
They need to start a system where the parents keep track of what they owe, what it’s for and when it’s paid – like an invoice.
It’s too bad to have to be that detailed about an allowance, but these parents don’t seem reliable.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
She might as well not do the chores at all.
I doubt that her parents would respond well if she took this advice…
She should try to move out as soon as possible.
The parents aren’t honoring their agreement.
Her dad shouldn’t promise her money if he’s not going to pay it.
If he keeps it up, this is bound to happen.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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