Neighbor Takes Up Too Much Space In Parking Lot, And Forces A Tenant To Speak Their Mind With A Terse Note
by Laura Ornella
Neighbors — you never know who you’re gonna get.
Find out how Redditor navigates parking that one neighbor’s guests have exponentially complicated.
Let’s read the post below to find out more.
AITA for asking my neighbors not to park behind me?
I want to start off by saying: I live in a triplex.
There are three driveways to this complex.
One for the first unit, one for the second unit, and two for my unit (the biggest unit).
All driveways have been spray painted to label which driveways are belonging to which unit.
That is, as long as everyone decides to follow this system…
Recently, my neighbor has been having people stay over at their place for weeks at a time.
I really do not care if they have people over, it’s not my business and not my issue.
But recently, they started to tell their friends/family to park behind my fiancé’s work van — which is on our side of the driveway.
They did not ask if it was okay, and it was not just for one day.
And that’s when things began to complicate even further.
A day came where we had to ask them to move so that my fiancé could open the back doors to his van (they parked close enough to where he couldn’t open them).
They moved their car, and then when we went back inside, they moved right back.
Mind you, their side of the driveway has space for another car, but they chose to park behind ours.
I imagine they tell their friend/family to park behind our van because they move their car during the day and don’t want to have to rearrange cars when they have to leave (they’d have to park one in front of the other).
So, the tenant decided to take matters into their own hands with an IRL interaction.
I tried to knock on their door to tell them they needed to move their car so my fiancé could move/operate his van for work, even just to get tools out of the back, but they would not answer the door.
They have been extremely rude to me in the past for no reason, and they are very new to the complex.
And when that failed, another form of communication was broached.
I decided to write a short note and put it on the windshield of their car.
The note says: “Please do not park behind this van without asking. I need to be able to get tools out and get out of this spot because of work. Thank you.”
For some reason, I just feel guilty and like they will get upset and go to my landlord making it an issue.
Am I an ******* for making them move?
Or am I overthinking things?
So, is this neighbor taking up too much space, or is this tenant playing too much by the book?
Let’s see what Reddit thinks with the comments below.
Redditors were quick to defend this tenant’s right to guaranteed parking.
They also mentioned that a towing company might solve this issue entirely.
And finally, one Redditor had the perfect revenge.
This neighbor is being rude.
If I were this person, I’d have the towing company on speed dial.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad landlord, bad rental, landlord drama, neighborhood drama, parking lot drama, picture, reddit, rude neighbor, top

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