She Can’t Stand Her Friend’s Boyfriend, So She Didn’t Invite Him To Her Wedding
by Matthew Gilligan
We all have friends in our lives who date or are married to people who we’re not crazy about.
So, what are we supposed to do when it comes to functions and whether or not those folks are invited…or not?
Read this story from a Reddit user who did what she thought was right for her own wedding, but now she’s facing some blowback.
Get started now!
AITA for not inviting my friend’s boyfriend to my wedding because I don’t like him?
“My friend Miley (23) and I (23) have a complicated relationship, mainly in the fact that I can’t stand her boyfriend Link (24).
Tell us all about it!
Link is, long story short, a jerk who doesn’t care about anyone but himself.
He treats everyone horribly, is cruel and mean, and was disliked by the majority of people at our old college.
Link and I had a massive falling out and I’d cut Link out of my life.
Our group of friends also heavily dislikes Link and as a result, Miley doesn’t bring him up at all.
Link has shown up to events and occasional parties, and the two of us have mostly either remained civil to one another or engaged in small talk, which only reaffirmed my opinion on Link.
Other than during the fight 5-6 years ago, I’ve never expressed any anger or dislike of him to Miley as I believe our friendship is fragile and she gets overly anxious and defensive of him.
They’re doing their best…
Her boyfriend is a sore subject in our friend group, and while we had voiced our doubts about him at the start of their relationship, because of how long they’ve been together, and wanting to not isolate Miley, we have simply just let them be.
However the sense of closeness we have with the rest of the boyfriends in comparison to Link is obvious.
I don’t think Link is abusive, or purposefully isolating Miley from us.
He simply does not care about the feelings of people that aren’t him or Miley, and because Miley is happy with him, she refuses to see Link’s personality, saying he is different around her.
I got married to my fiancé (now husband!) 2 days ago and I’m writing this while my husband packs for our honeymoon.
The reception was a barbecue with 30 people.
Sorry, Link!
When inviting guests, I invited my friend’s bfs/fiancees as throughout the years we have become good friends.
Obviously, Link wasn’t invited.
I debated on it, however in the end it is my wedding, and I didn’t want him there.
But at the wedding, Miley felt extremely left out.
She was by herself while the rest of our main group of friends were with their partners.
She got really wasted at the BBQ and came up to me crying about how horrible it felt having her boyfriend missing when everyone else’s partner was there.
I told her that I didn’t mean to make her upset and that I only wanted to invite my closest friends.
I thought maybe she was upset about the wedding, but then she asked me why I couldn’t just put up with Link and understand that he made her happy.
I told her I put up with him and be civil and kind him to the best of my ability and have never talked trash about him.
She said she wished Link could be invited to places and liked, and how alone we made her feel because of our unspoken dislike of him.
I tried to apologize and I really did feel horrible.
At this point I’m wondering if I made the wrong choice, should I have just invited Link?
I feel like she’s let out years of pent up feelings out and now I feel like a jerk.”
Check out what folks said about this on Reddit.
This person said she’s NTA.
Another Reddit user agreed.
This person weighed in.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
And this person said she’s NTA.
Sorry dude, you didn’t make the cut.
Actions have consequences and all of that.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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