The Simpsons Made an 80s Style Couch Gag and It’s Perfect

Funnily, The Simpsons first aired in 80s
Funnily, The Simpsons first aired in 80s
Wow. It’s actually here. Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners. The campaign that was launched in December 2013…
It goes together almost too perfectly.
Professional comic book artist and illustrator Denis Medri imagines what Star Wars would be like if it was set in an 80s high school (think Breakfast Club). The artist reimagines what all of your favourite characters would look like, even reinterpreting famous scenes from the iconic franchise. You can see the entire series on…
In 1989, following in the footsteps of Robert Frank’s The Americans, Michael Galinksy of drove across the country and documented malls across America. Armed with a cheap Nikon FG-20 and an even cheaper lens. Galinsky shot about 30 rolls of slide film in malls from Long Island to North Dakota to Seattle. The…
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