October 15, 2015 at 11:38 am

9 Easy DIY Spice Blends (Infographic)

by twistedsifter

diy-spice-blends-infographic (1)

Original Infographic by Women’s Health / Anjali Shah
Modified Infographic by Alibot on reddit


Anjali Shah of Women’s Health put together this helpful infographic of 9 easy DIY spice blends you can make at home to add a new dynamic to your weekly meals.

The original version appeared in the magazine which made it a little cumbersome to read online (fixed margin width forced each recipe to 2 lines), so reddit user Alibot used a little digital editing to make all of the spice recipes appear on its own line.

For an explanation of what each spice blend works best with, visit the original post on Women’s Health.

[via iBleeedorange]