His Girlfriend Has Severe PTSD And Find Sleeping Difficult, So He Had To Tell His Family They’re Not Allowed To Stay With Him.
by Matthew Gilligan
Rules are rules, folks…
And if you happen to the master of the house (or the apartment), the rules are up TO YOU…
Even if they might be inconvenient for others.
Is this guy doing anything wrong?
Read his story and see what you think.
AITA for not letting my family stay at my apartment because they can’t respect my girlfriend’s needs?
“My (22m) girlfriend of 3 years (21f) has severe PTSD.
She’s been in therapy for years and has really improved over the past few years. The one thing that hasn’t improved is that nights are hard for her and she needs very specific things to be able to fall asleep.
Things need to be in order…
She needs every window in the apartment to be closed and locked, our bedroom door has to be locked, she checks the entire apartment 1-2 times before going to sleep to make sure everything is how she needs it.
The light has to be on and she needs a fan and a heated blanket. From there there can’t be any loud noises.
We don’t have anything on the bed or where it can be expected to accidentally make a noise and we have sound dampening curtains outside our window because if there’s any loud noise she’ll wake up and I’ll have to check the apartment, closets and everything, and convince her that she’s safe and can go back to bed.
Poor thing…
Even with all of this she still has nights where she wakes up screaming or has nightmares so bad that she vomits.
We stayed with my family a few months ago and it was horrible. I explained all of this to my mom and she assured me the doors and windows have locks, they can keep the windows closed at night while she’s there, they’ll make sure there’s no loud noises at night, and they have a fan she could use.
It was horrible. None of the doors or windows locked, there was no fan, my sister was not quiet at night, and they complained about the light so much that we turned it off.
We stayed there for 2 nights and she didn’t sleep at all for either of those nights then had rough days because she wasn’t sleeping.
He had to splurge so she could be comfortable.
On the 3rd day I ended up spending almost $1,000 on an Airbnb so she could sleep. They said I was being ridiculous and that she was exaggerating because there’s no way she stayed up for 2 nights.
The rest of the visit was ok since she was able to sleep but they kept making comments about how ridiculous we were being for getting an Airbnb.
He had to break the news to them.
Now they want to visit our city and stay in our apartment but I said no because when we stayed with them, it was a **** show and I can’t throw her off in her own home.
They think we’re being dramatic and that if it’s that big of a deal she can stay with her sister while they’re here (our apartment is on her sister’s property, her sister built it specifically so she would be able to move out while still having someone right there when she needs help) but I refuse to kick her out so they could stay.
Now they’re calling us ungrateful and saying my girlfriend doesn’t like them and I’m taking her side.
Check out what Reddit users had to say.
This person said he’s NTA.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
This reader said he’s NTA.
Another individual spoke up.
This reader had a lot to say.
This certainly sounds like a tough situation…
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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