Veteran High School Football Coach Had His Job Taken Away, So He Got Revenge On The School District
by Matthew Gilligan
The man who is the subject of this story that his grandchild wrote on Reddit was quite a character!
And it’s pretty obvious that he did things his own way…
Take a look at how he handled a situation that left a rotten taste in his mouth.
Start now!
Veteran High School Coach Gets Screwed over by School District and Exacts Sweet Revenge.
“My father told me this story at my granddad’s wake.
Some backstory about my granddad, he grew up in depression-era Virginia and slaved away in the coal mines in order to make ends meet. His only out was to join the Marine Corps, so he did.
He fought in Korea and left the corps soon after the war ended. He then somehow managed to get a job as a high school football coach in a county in SW Virginia despite no prior experience. This was fortuitous, since he happened to have a knack for it.
This was a good career move for him.
He went on to coach for 35 years at the same school, racking up hundreds of games and a good win to loss ratio, while burning through wives and fighting gamecocks on the side, making a pretty penny at this as well.
His career was going pretty good until they merged the school he was coaching at with one from a neighboring town.
Due to the merger, there was only room for one head coach at this new super-school and the choice was between my granddad who had 35 years experience and by now almost a thousand games to his name and a guy with a poor win/loss record and only 150 games to his credit.
Obviously, the school board chose the inexperienced guy.
My granddad complained to the school district about this terrible, terrible decision and in response they relieved him of all coaching duties and shoved him into teaching an eighth grade health science class.
Now bear in mind, they did this to a man who had fought communists in Korea, had 3 teeth drilled out without anesthesia, fought gamecocks and always managed to charm the cops into leaving him alone and had survived working in coal mines in the 1940’s. By now, the man had no ***** to give.
My dad, at the time, was the starting quarterback for the school’s football team so he witnessed the ensuing battle firsthand.
My granddad decided that he didn’t want to teach eighth grade health science and decided to make the school board suffer. The man never got sick and never took a day off in his entire career, so he had quite a few leave days saved up.
It was time to take a break.
He decided to take them all at once. For the entire first semester, he only showed up to class on Mondays. The district brought suit against him but when the case went up in front of a judge, he looked at what they had done to provoke my granddad and promptly told them to **** off.
So for the next year and a half, my granddad only taught his classes once a week and cost the school board tens of thousands of dollars in substitute teacher fees, all the while fighting gamecocks and talking his way out of trouble in his newfound free time, in addition to getting full sick pay.
He nearly singlehandedly bankrupted the entire district for ******* him off. Finally, halfway through the next school year, the district offered him his old job back.
He politely declined, tendered his resignation, and almost immediately got snatched up by a district in the next county over.
Zero. *****. Given.
I miss this man.”
Check out the reactions from Reddit users.
One reader shared a story.
This person spoke up.
Another Reddit user had a lot to say.
This individual chimed in.
Another person wasn’t buying it…
This guy did things his own way…
And he wasn’t to be messed with!
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · coaches, high school, picture, pro revenge, reddit, revenge, sports, top

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