September 21, 2024 at 10:20 am

His Mom Wants To Move Them In With Her New Boyfriend, But He’s Not Comfortable With The Idea And Feels Bad About It

by Ashley Ashbee


When you’re young and your parents have separated it can make your life pretty complicated.

What you want and what your parent wants are often too very different things.

Take a look at how this tricky situation is affecting this teen.

AITA I told my mum I don’t want to live with her

I am 13 and told my mum that I don’t want to live with her new boyfriend.

My parents share me for four days at a time each so this would mean I would have to move in with them as well.

It has become a double edged sword.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with him or his son but I just don’t want I move in with him.

When I told my mum this she got really upset and told me that she doesn’t want me living at my dad’s full time.

She said that if it mattered that much to me then she wouldn’t move in with her boyfriend.

He’s torn and confused.

I know that she wouldn’t be happy if she didn’t move in with him but also if I wasn’t there.

I want my mum to be happy but I also don’t want to live with her boyfriend.

What do I do? I need help.

Here’s what people are saying.

So brave! I love how this person spoke to OP.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It’s a huge ask. Who is okay with living closely with someone they don’t know?

Source: Reddit/AITA

Moving in seems premature for a bunch of reasons.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This seems like a nice solution.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I’m glad Mom cares! But it sounds like she might be manipulative.

Source: Reddit/AITA

All the best, kid.

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