She Invited Her Friend On Vacation But She Has No Money To Pay Her Share, So She Told Her She Couldn’t Go Because She Refused To Be Her Friend’s Credit Card
by Heide Lazaro
Lending money to a friend is not always a bad idea.
But if you know that they have a history of money problems, it may be difficult to trust them that they will pay you back.
This woman refused to invite her friend to their supposed trip after learning that she couldn’t pay for her share.
Check out the full story below.
AITA for not allowing a friend to come on trip
I (29F) and a friend (32F) planned to go on a trip, and are due to fly out this Friday.
We planned it in January, and booked the flights and the hotel.
This woman’s friend informed her about not having money for the trip.
Yesterday, she calls me and tells me she doesn’t have the money to pay for the trip, including the hotel.
To be clear, this friend has always been bad with money.
But I did ask her if something had happened, in case she’s had an unexpected emergency come up!
They tried to cancel the hotel booking but still have to pay for it.
She said no, she just hadn’t managed her finances, and she had been hoping her parents would lend her the money, but they refused.
I told her I would call the hotel to see if we could cancel.
Which I did, and we had passed the cancellation period so it would have to be paid in full whether we go or not.
So, she decided to still go, but without her friend.
So after speaking with my brother about it, I decided that I would just incur the whole cost of the hotel and just go alone.
I called my friend back, and told her this.
She asked me if she could just still come since I could afford to pay it, and she could pay me back.
Now, her friend is calling her selfish.
I said no, and she got very upset with me, calling me selfish.
I asked her then if she did come, would she have money for spending, and she said no, she would need me to cover that, too!
So I just said no again, and hung up.
And she feels like she’s a jerk for not letting her friend go with her.
As the day went on, I started to feel guilty, and I barely slept.
So now, I don’t know if I was over reacting and if I am the jerk.
What do you think? Let’s see what other users have to say.
This user shares their opinion and a pro tip.
This one says not to risk it.
Short and simple.
This user thinks the friend did this on purpose.
Finally, this one says to just go alone.
This free-rider knows what she’s doing.
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