Grocery Prices Are Now Being Set Based On The Time You Shop And How In Demand Items Are, And This Shopper Is Showing Some Examples
by Michael Levanduski
Have you ever been grocery shopping and seen the digital signs that display the prices for each product?
According to TikToker @twoideas, this isn’t just an updated set of signage, it is a way to get you to spend more money.
He starts out the video showing shelves full of food with a digital sign below, and says, “Ok, so these are the new digital price screens.”
The screens actually look pretty nice, displaying the product, price, and other information. He continues on, explaining, “So the whole goal of these is to address the prices on the items as they become more in demand.”
What exactly does he mean?
Apparently they change the prices in real time based on various factors. “So, for example, right now these are $.90. Let’s say around 6:00PM, or during the busier times, these will go up to $1.
This sounds similar to surge pricing or other methods of using prices to help encourage customers to shop at slower times.
He wraps up the video saying, “They are going to start incorporating these all over.”
Honestly, I don’t hate this idea. It will let me get lower prices by shopping at slower times.
This is not unlike a happy hour at a bar.
Check out the full video below and see what you think.
The people in the comments don’t seem to like it.
This person says they won’t shop there.
Here is someone who thinks of it as a punishment.
This person compares it to paying employees at different times.
I am kind of a fan of this surge pricing.
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · changing prices, digital signage, food prices, inflation, shopping, stock, surge pricing, tiktok, top, video, viral
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