His Ex-Wife Expected Money From The Sale Of The Condo Where They Lived When They Were Married, But That’s When He Realized He Never Told Her It Was a Rental
by Matthew Gilligan
All couples have secrets, right?
You betcha!
And that can lead to some hard feelings from time to time…especially if they’re big secrets!
Check out this guy’s story on Reddit and see if you think this fella did anything wrong.
AITA for not telling my (ex) wife that we lived in a rental apartment?
“Back in 2008 when I started University, I rented a 2 bedroom apartment with my (now ex) girlfriend at the time and my friend & his girlfriend.
We got a great deal for it, as the owner of the place lost his job because of everything that happened back then and decided to try her luck abroad where she still lives.
Years went by and after University my friend and his GF decided to find a place of their own, as we had full-time jobs, renting this apartment together did not seem expensive anymore, and also did not seem expensive to rent alone after we broke up some time later.
Sounds like a deal!
So there I was, alone in a 2-bedroom apartment in the central part of the city.
The owner decided that she was too lazy to mess with bills and stuff every month and made arrangements for me to pay everything directly, as I earned her trust, I still pay her monthly rent which is very cheap for today and deal with everything else having her authorization.
Because of the perfect location, my second bedroom was basically “free BNB” for my friends who did not live in the city and I did not mind, it is good to have company if you live alone.
And then there were two…
In 2020 I met a girl who was in a rush to get married and as I was madly in love we did in 2021.
For some reason, I never told her the story of how I rented the place or that it was a rental at all, it just never came up!
I have been so used to the fact that I am an authorized representative with building cooperative things etc, that I refer to it as my place.
Things fell apart…
Our relationship started to cool down and we found out that we were not perfect for each other after all, so divorce it is.
So we did the paperwork for divorce and she is moving out.
A few days ago I received an email from her with a real estate valuation document as an attachment – while I was not at home she wasted 500€ for someone to evaluate an apartment that does not belong to us… and wrote that I probably have to take a loan to pay her the 50% of that.
Sorry to break it to ya…
I replied to her, didn’t I ever tell her that this place is a rental? Why does she even assume that I can afford a 2-bedroom apartment in the city centre? She knows where I work and how much I earn.
She called and screamed at me, that I had lied to her for years and hid the fact that the apartment was rental! Then she tells me that well, she will take the car as we got that together.
And I was quiet for a moment and then told her: “You do know that is a lease right?The owner of the car is the bank!”
Then she demanded that I pay for the valuation and I replied “I did not ask you to do it!”
Their friend group is split.
She called me a jerk and ended the call.
Of course, she told our whole friends group how I “lied to her during the whole marriage” and there was a discussion in a messenger group with friends that if is it a lie or not, whether was it a mean thing to do.
Some agree with me and some with her.
It does seem odd that the topic never came up that he rented the apartment, but it’s also odd that she just assumed he owned it.
Check out what people had to say on Reddit.
This person said he’s NTA.
Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.
This individual chimed in.
Another reader was impressed.
This is a valid point.
He didn’t lie…he just failed to disclose all the information.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, apartments, housing, money, picture, reddit, relationships, rent, top

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