Recent Graduate Wanted To Start A New Life Abroad, But Leaving Meant Giving Up The Legacy His Family Worked So Hard For
by Benjamin Cottrell
Dreams and duties rarely align perfectly, leaving this new graduate torn between passion and obligation.
He faces a tough crossroads, choosing between inheriting a family legacy or following his heart to a new life abroad.
Read on for the full story.
WIBTA if I took over my family’s business, only to sell it later and move abroad
I’m (18M) finishing high school and need to decide my future soon.
His family has some pretty big expectations for him.
My dad built a successful business from nothing, and my family expects me to take it over.
But he already knows exactly what he wants.
It’s a great opportunity financially, but I don’t feel passionate about it, and the lifestyle it requires isn’t one I want.
I’ve always dreamed of moving abroad, studying what I’m passionate about, and starting my own company.
He understands the heavy weight of the choice ahead, and leaving would pose some pretty serious challenges.
But choosing that path means risking everything.
My family has made it clear they won’t support me financially or emotionally if I leave, and I have no idea how I’ll pay for college on my own.
He’s really feeling the pressure.
What makes this harder is that I’m the only one in my family capable of running the business.
If I leave, there’s no one to take over, and all of my dad’s work might go to waste.
AITA if I chose to leave and start fresh instead of taking over the family business?
There’s something to be said for chasing your dreams, but what about the rest of his family?
What did Reddit think?
This commenter thinks this college student risks taking for granted everything his father worked for.
He needs to take his siblings’ feelings into account too.
If he doesn’t take on the business, he, at the very least, owes them a thorough explanation.
There may be other considerations at play, but this commenter is still siding with his parents.
In seeking to create his own legacy, he faces the serious risk of ending the one his father worked so hard for.
Looks like this new grad’s first adult lesson is that life is full of tough choices.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, college, college student, family business, family drama, family legacy, hard decisions, moving abroad, picture, reddit, starting a business, top

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