Snooty Urbanite Exploited Her Family’s Farm For Social Media Fame, So Her Family Confronted Her For Who She Really Is
by Benjamin Cottrell
Nowadays, some folks are very quick to reinvent themselves to chase a little internet clout.
One woman was eager to leave behind her family’s “humble roots” to move to the city.
That is, until the farming lifestyle became trendy.
So when she began exploiting the very rural image she once scoffed at, her family saw right through her façade.
You’ll want to read on for this one!
AITA for calling my sister out for pretending to farm and taking credit for my work?
My parents live in one of the mountainous regions of our country and are farmers.
I have one sibling, a younger sister.
We were both born on that farm but were sent to the city to live with our aunt so we could go to school.
There’s quite a rift between city folk and farm folk.
In our country, people from rural areas were thought to be uneducated and uncultured.
So city people would look down and sneer at us. The social stigma was enormous.
Her sister resented the farm so much that she even refused to visit.
I didn’t care, but this caused my sister to also look down on people from rural areas so she would ‘fit in’ and make friends.
By this time, both my sister and I had lived in the city long enough to acclimatize to the dialect and accent, so we both passed as ‘city people’ easily.
During the holidays, I would go visit our parents, but my sister refused to.
But soon the social stigma around farming began to change.
However, things have been changing.
Recently, two YouTube channels, Liziqi and Dianxi Xiaoge, have absolutely blown up in my country.
Now everyone thinks living in the countryside and the “simple,” “stress-free” farming lifestyle is so nice.
But the online content is far from the reality.
There is nothing easy about farming.
These YouTube channels make the videos look really pretty with magically slaughtered and plucked chickens on their cutting boards, no animal waste to clean, and soft music.
The videos show only 10 minutes of their lives, but everyone thinks it’s so easy and relaxing.
However, the trend suddenly changed her sister’s mind about her family’s “humble beginnings”.
Because of this change, my sister is suddenly okay with telling people all about how she lived such a humble life in the mountains.
And how she worked so hard in the fields and got so many injuries.
Which is complete nonsense.
She hasn’t been to our childhood home since she was 12.
She begins actively posting content making it look like she lives the farming lifestyle.
She posts pictures of the sunset and sunrise in the mountains, which I send her.
Pictures of me farming rice with our parents and community, and she acts like it’s her in the picture.
We are quite similar in height, build, and appearance, although I am a bit more muscular.
She’s been boasting about how much “work” she does in our community and how everyone else is lazy on social media.
But she’s actively hiding it from her family.
She doesn’t add our cousins on social media because she’s scared of getting called out. This made me really irritated.
So her sibling sets a trap to finally expose her dishonesty.
So when I was at a family get-together, I left my phone with Instagram open on the table, knowing full well that one of my younger cousins would pick it up and go through it.
Sure enough, he shows the posts to his parents and siblings, and everyone is super upset with my sister.
Some won’t talk to her unless she apologizes on her social media.
But now her friend group is divided.
But some of my friends are saying it was an unfair move to throw my sister under the bus like that, and that I should have spoken to her first.
The internet may reward a glossy version of the truth, but families see you for who you really are.
Let’s see what Reddit had to say.
There’s something particularly distasteful about exploiting your own family’s roots.
She could have been upfront with their sister, but where’s the fun in that?
Her sister’s behavior was just plain exploitative.
She could also start cutting off her sister’s supply of content.
This family showed their opportunistic relative that your roots aren’t just something you can conveniently package in a bow for likes.
It’s high time she start respecting the hard work that got her where she is today.
She may have be able to fool strangers online, but she could never fool her family.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, city life, cultural differences, culture, exploitation, family roots, farming, lifestyle, mountains, picture, reddit, rural areas, social media, top, unrealistic expectations

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