A Bully Would Constantly Chase Her Around With Bugs To Scare Her, So Stole The Bully’s Backpack And Completely Got Away With It
by Matthew Gilligan
There are many different ways to put bullies in their place, don’t you agree?
You betcha!
And the woman you’re going to hear from in this story from Reddit had a pretty inventive way to get even with her bully when she was young and in school.
Take a look at what went down!
Petty larceny for a petty revenge.
“Today, I was helping my parents clean out their wardrobe. It’s this big wooden affair that has been in our house since before I was born.
They are getting rid of it in favor of a built-in unit.
I found an old backpack at the back of the wardrobe, it had probably been there for years.
A lot of old stuff keeps coming out of the wardrobe since no one uses it anymore.
Thing is… the backpack does not belong to me… or to any of my siblings.
Rewind a few decades ago.
I was in grade 6 (I was 10) and had this bully named M.
She used to catch locusts/grasshoppers (you know, the big, green lobster-looking ones). and chase me around with them to scare me.
I was and still am TERRIFIED of bugs, especially flying and hopping ones.
(why do bugs have to fly????).
Anyway, she had been doing this since grade 4.
She would either put the grasshopper in my bag or chase me with it during lunch.
Once, she chased me for so long I decided to walk home instead of waiting for school to end.
I told my parents.
My dad (he is the ‘rub some dirt in it’ kind of guy) brushed it off and asked why i was scared of the grasshoppers and explained that the bugs were probably more afraid of me than i was of them.
(gee thanks, dad).
My mother (the so-called ‘peacekeeper) asked what i had done to M to make her do this to me.
I dreaded going to school every day and my nerves were not happy with me.
Cue petty revenge.
This is not the part where I tell a teacher (grown-ups were clearly not the answer) or the part where I go nuclear and stage an elaborate revenge.
It was payback time.
This is the part where I stole her backpack.
I was ten years old and this was the most diabolical thing I could think of.
Our school did not have lockers so you had to lug all your belongings from home to school.
All your belongings.
The backpack had her school books, her spare cash and her bus pass.
For days, our teacher asked us to help look for the backpack as M had no way of getting to school and back without the bus pass, no way of doing school work.
Since M was notorious for scaring people with critters, the backpack was not found.
M told our class teacher that she thought it might be me but conveniently left out why she thought it might be me.
But here’s the thing, I used to admit to small crimes (breaking a glass, eating the ultramel, leaving the sink running) even when I hadn’t done it to build up cred for when I committed bigger ones (breaking a window, spilling soda on my dad’s paperwork) so most grown-ups knew that I owned up to my misdoings.
Here come the waterworks…
So it wasn’t so hard to get the teacher to believe me.
I even started crying and asking M why she would accuse me of something so terrible.
Losing one’s school bag was such a terrible thing to happen and I would never be so cruel (cue evil laugh).
She had to replace all her books and redo all the class assignments as they contributed to the report card.
She also had to explain to her parents how she lost the bag and the bus pass.
She got into soooo much trouble with the teachers and even got spanked a few times for not having her homework done.
Anyway, clearly I never gave the backpack back and now, I guess I will be throwing it in the trash.
If you ever find this Monde, yes, it was me after all.”
Reddit users shared their thoughts.
This person spoke up.
Another Reddit user had an idea…
This individual asked a question.
This person was impressed.
And this reader shared their thoughts.
Petty revenge is oh-so-satisfying.
Especially when you’re 10.
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