Her Boyfriend Suggested They Fly In Business Class For A Family Trip While Her Child Flies In Economy, But She Says Absolutely Not
by Mila Cardozo
Often, when a parent is dating someone after a divorce, the child needs even more reassurance of their love and dedication.
Probably for this reason, this woman is wondering it would be inconsiderate to her child to fly in business class with her boyfriend while her child flies in economy (her boyfriend’s idea).
Let’s analyze the situation and find an answer.
WIBTA if I left my child in economy while we flew in business class?
My boyfriend (40M) and I (33F) have been together for five years and are trying to organize our next holiday.
He’s settled on a destination and so excited at the idea of a family trip.
Family trip! How nice.
We’re looking at flights that will likely be at least 9 hours long with business class flights, resort stay, and plenty of experiences.
He makes significantly more than me but we will split the cost of the holiday 50/50 including my child’s costs.
The problem is: he does not want to let my child (13) on to the same class on the plane as us.
Her gut feeling is telling her that something is off.
He thinks that my child should be grateful to be getting an international trip and just enjoy the movies and whatever other amenities there are on the flight.
That my child can pop up and visit us whenever in business class and that it’s not worth the extra cost, even if he were a millionaire.
She still doesn’t exactly agree.
I feel like it’s weird to sit apart from my child for a 9+ hour flight, even if they’re comfortable enough on a plane and I’d probably prefer to downgrade my flight if my boyfriend is unwilling to split that specific cost.
He thinks I’m being weird for wanting to make that concession and it’s not a big deal for a child to fly alone.
It’s odd that he’s excluding her child when she’s paying for half of the trip.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this situation.
A reader makes an important question.
This commenter shares their thoughts.
I agree.
Another reader chimes in.
This person mentions a few points to consider.
This commenter sounds baffled.
I have a feeling that if she agrees to this, her boyfriend will see her child as less important than him.
It’s all a little bit cringe.
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