Worker Hits Breaking Point After Boss Rudely Demands Coffee, And It Causes Her To Literally Drop Everything
by Laura Ornella
In some people’s world — now means now.
See how one Redditor recalls a rude boss’ inability to wait two seconds for a cup of coffee, and what she does about it.
When coffee is soooooooo important…
Many moons ago, I worked for a building management company in downtown Minneapolis.
Part of the position included handling all the parking spot rentals prior to when these would have been on a simple computer screen.
They were folders…thousands of them…updated manually with who paid what, whose check didn’t clear, blah blah blah.
And then there was Frank…
I worked for an Eastern New Jersey dude named Frank, who was a narcissistic jerk on his nice days and an absolutely heinous individual on his bad days.
He’s thirsty for coffee one day, shortly after I returned from lunch, so he picks up his cup and taps it on his desk (annoying, I know), “Torrie, Coffee!” I am on my way to the back room with about 2 feet of files, so I call out, “I’ll be right with you, Frank!”
Oh, but this caffeine could not wait.
I take two steps, and he re-taps, “Torrie, COFFEE!!”
I walk back the seven steps to his office to show him my heavy load, thinking he might not have heard me. “I’ll be right with you, Frank!”
Frank was relentless.
I turn and take one step out of his office: “TORRIE!!”
Three loud bangs on the desk, “COFFEE!!! NOWWW!!!!!”
So, this worker did what they were told…
I turn back into his office, pull my arms out from under the files, and drop about 300 folders of data.
Contents fly everywhere.
I step over the pile, grab his cup, “Coming right up!” I said as sweetly as possible.
And they made the best dang cup of coffee you could imagine.
After filling his cup and dumping about a half cup of sugar in it, I brought the syrupy goop back to him and slam it on his desk, sickly sweet black coffee spilling on his appointment calendar, his white shirt and blue tie, and across his leather chair.
To top it off, this worker had an escape plan locked and loaded…
While he was sputtering, I walked back to my desk, made a quick phone call to my lunch appointment and accepted the job they had offered me that I was deliberating.
I was working for the new company 22 minutes later.
Oh, and by the way — not much at the company has changed.
I ran into one of my former coworkers a few months later, and she told me he had already been through four others in the position.
Apparently, nobody wants to get coffee for jerks anymore.
What does Reddit think?
Was this boss out of line? Read the comments below to find out more.
One reader hoped this boss was left with the mess.
Another commenter cheered on the poster.
One user had the suggestion of using salt instead.
And finally, a Redditor recalled a quote that haunts modern-day society now.
This boss better change his ways or his company will suffer because of his bad behavior.
It seems like he might not be smart enough to care.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad boss, bad job, malicious compliance, new jersey, picture, reddit, rude boss, top, underpaid

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