Entitled Female SUV Driver Entered A One-Way Lane The Wrong Way To Get His Parking Spot, So He Decided To Do Everything He Could To Prevent Her From Getting His Spot
by Heide Lazaro
Just because it’s a parking lot doesn’t mean you can violate the parking lot rules.
This man noticed a female driver entering a one-way lane the wrong way in an attempt to get his parking spot.
He was really annoyed with her, so he decided to prevent her from getting his parking spot.
Read below for all the details.
Todays obligatory petty parking lot revenge story.
I was at my local supermarket today.
We have a minor sporting event coming up.
The lot was full.
I’d loaded my groceries and returned the cart to the front of the store.
This man noticed a blue SUV coming up the one-way lane the wrong way.
I walked back to my Jeep, got in, and put it in reverse.
I glanced left, then focused on right, as this was a one-way parking lot lane.
I saw a flash of blue out of the corner of my eye and realized a blue SUV had come up the one-way lane the wrong way.
The SUV was trying to take his spot.
I braked hard.
I saw them do a full U-turn at the front of the store, in anticipation of taking my spot.
They turned into my lane with their right blinker on, but their rear end was still squarely in that two-way area at the front of the store where the carts come back and forth.
He went back to his spot and made the SUV driver wait.
I backed up and saw them waiting, blinker on.
I realized I had nowhere to be.
I crawled back forward into my spot, but kept my reverse light on.
Blue SUV honked a couple times, but I ignored her (it was a younger gal with long dreads).
Now, other cars were honking at her for blocking the lane.
Soon enough, her blocking of the main entrance caused some honking, and she was forced to drive down my lane.
As she passed, I began backing out.
The honking car stopped, saw my reversing, and gave me plenty of room.
As I planned, honking car (red sedan) got my spot.
Blue SUV had made a quick spin around the lot in hopes of getting my spot.
He blocked the SUV and made her wait again.
I made it a point to accelerate quickly into the main lane at the front of the store.
Red sedan was entering my space.
I turned to the left diagonally, Blue SUV’s way.
I told the GF to act cool and light a smoke.
She was on board and we sat there for a short while, blocking blue SUV from turning or even driving forward.
The SUV driver was infuriated.
The 20-ish Karen-in-training was raging and cursing us all the while.
As they backed up with the intention of driving around us, we pulled forward and exited the lot.
GF blew her a kiss as we drove away.
That is some serious parking lot petty revenge!
Let’s read the reactions of other people about this story on Reddit.
This user shares what they do in similar situations.
While this person gives their honest opinion.
Sweetest ever, says this person.
People are loving the revenge.
Finally, this user shares their personal experience.
You can’t expect to get your way if you’re violating the rules.
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